Hindlimb - Anatomy & Physiology

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Common structures of the Proximal Hindlimb and Pelvis

  • Ilium
  • The ilium makes up the craniodorsal part of the hip bone.
  • It extends in a cranio-dorsal direction from the hip joint to the articulation with sacrum.
  • It is made from a cranial wing and a caudal body.

Ilial Wing

  • The margin of the wing is known as the iliac crest. Along the crest are two very important anatomical landmarks:
    • Tuber Coxae or Coxal Tuberosity forms the palpable point of the hip.
    • Sacral Tuber is the thickened mediodorsal angle of the ilial wing.
  • The lateral surface of the wing provides a point of attachment for the gluteal muscles.
  • The medial surface has two distinct parts:
    • The lateroventral part provides the point of insertion for many pelvic muscles.
    • The mediodorsal part articulate with the sacrum forming the sacroiliac joint
  • The caudodorsal border of the wing is very concave and along its surface exists the greater sciatic notch. This is where the sciatic nerve runs over the ilium.

Ilial Body'

  • The only anatomical feature of note is the psoas tubercle on the ventral border. This provides attachment for the psoas muscle.

Joints of the Proximal Hindlimb

Common Structures of the Distal Hindlimb

Joints of the Distal Hindlimb

Muscles of the Hindlimb

Vasculature of the Hindlimb

Species Specifics