The Formation of the Filtrate by the Glomerular Apparatus - Renal Flash Cards - Anatomy & Physiology

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Question Answer Link
Which of the arterioles of the glomerulus is narrower? The Efferent Arteriole is Narrower Glomerulus
What are the three layers of glomerular filtration barrier?

  • Fenestrated Capillary Endothelium
  • Glomerular Basement Membrane
  • Podocytes
Function of the Renal Corpuscle
Which of the three layers is the major barrier to protein?

  • Glomerular Basement Membrane
Function of the Renal Corpuscle
Which Factors Determine Selective Filtration

* Hydrostatic pressure

  • Molecular size
  • Electrical charge
  • Protein binding
  • Molecular configuration
  • Rigidity
Factors Which Determine Selective Filtration