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This page includes details on how to obtain CmapTools software and instructions on how to create a web page in order to produce an interactive content map for WikiVet.


For details of this software please visit its homepage

Downloading CMapTools software

CMapTools software can be downloaded here.

Producing an interactive map for WikiVet

Creating the content map

Follow the instructions in the CMap software

Creating the links

1. On the topic right hand click the label and select ‘Add web address’.

Create Link 1.jpg

2. In the dialog box put your WikiVet page name into the ‘Resource name box’ and Web address’ box and click ‘Ok’.

Create Link 2.jpg

3. Do this for all the labels on your map.

Export Cmap as a Web Page

From an open Cmap :

1. Click File, then Export Cmap As, then Web Page...

Export 1.jpg

2. You will now see the "Export Cmap as Web Page" window

  • The file name will default to the name of your Cmap
  • Choose the location on your computer to save the web page to
    • Tip: The program 'Content Map Converter' browses the desktop by default, so saving the web page there will make things easier
  • Click Save when ready.

Export 2.jpg

3. Your Cmap has now been saved as a web page on your computer in the location you specified. There will be three files in the location

  • The .html file with the name specified in the Save window
  • A .jpg file, this is the image of the Cmap
  • CmapToolsTrademark.gif, this is IHMC's trademark image (This image is not required)

Creating the interactive map