Anticoagulant Rodenticide Toxicity

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Also known as: Warfarin Toxicity, Anticoagulant Rodenticide Toxicity/ Poisoning.


One of the most common causes of an acquired coagulopathy in dogs is the accidental ingestion of an anticoagulant rodenticide. The first generatlion coumarin-derivative anticoagulant, warfarin. has a short half-life of about 12 hours and a relatively low toxicity in non-target species. Therefore, repeated or massive exposure would generally be required to produce clinical bleeding in a dog. The second generation coumarin derivatives (bromadiolone and brodifacoum) and indandione rodenticides (pindone and diaphacinone), developed in response to wartarin resistance in target species, are tar more potent than warfarin. They have much longer lasting etfects (half-lives of four to six days) as they are more completely bound to plasmla proteins and, compared to warfarin, have an enhanced tendency to accumulate in hepatic tissue. Secondary poisoning through ingestion ol killed target species is more likely to occur with these latter agents. The coumarin derivatives exert interaction of their anticoagulant eftect by inhibiting the enzyme, vitamin K epoxide reductase (see box on page 63). This enizymiie is a component of the vitamin K epoxide cycle required tf)r hepatic synthesis of the functional clotting factors F-II, F-VII, F-IX and F-X. Inhibition of the enzyme causes the accumulation of the inactive vitamin K epoxide and prevents the carboxylation of vitamin K-dependent coagulation proteins. The acarboxy precursor proteins are incapable of being activated during the coagulation process and thus cannot actively participate in fibrin formation.


  • Most commonly seen in the dog and pig, after eating bait for rodents.
    • Warfarin poisoning is therefore relatively common in farm dogs.


Clinical Signs

The diagnosis of anticoagulant rodenticide toxicosis is dependent on a thorough patient history and physical examination, and appropriate haemostatic testing. The likelihood of exposure to a specific rodenticide may be difficult to reliably determine. The onset of clinical signs is delayed for several days post-exposure while the plasma concentrations of the vitamin K-dependent clotting factors become depleted. Symptoms may be non-specific if there is internal bleeding, and might include depression, weakness, pallor, dyspnoea, abdominal swelling, or even sudden death. Other possible signs include anaemia, external haematomas, bruising, excessive bleeding from venepuncture sites or other sites of injury, epistaxis, haematemesis, haematochezia, melaena, haematuria and/or lameness.

Diagnostic Imaging

Laboratory Tests






  1. Beasley, V (1999) Toxicants that Interfere with the Function of Vitamin K. In Veterinary Toxicology, International Veterinary Information Service.
  2. DeWilde, L (2007) Why is Fluffy Bleeding? Secondary Hemostatic Disorders. In Proceedings of the North American Veterinary Conference 2007, NAVC.
  3. Dodds, W J (2005) Bleeding Disorders in Animals. In Proceedings of the World Small Animal Veterinary Association 2005, IVIS.
  4. Murphy, M J and Talcott, P A (2005) Anticoagulant Rodenticides. In Small Animal Toxicology (Second Edition), Saunders.
  5. Campbell, A (1999) Common causes of poisoning in small animals. In Practice, 21(5), 244-249.
  6. Keen, P and Livingston, A (1983) Adverse reactions to drugs. In Practice, 5(5), 174-180.
  7. Mayer, S (1990) Coumarin Derivatives. In Practice, 12(4), 174-175.
  8. johnstone, I () Bleeding disorders in dogs 2. Acquired disorders. In Practice, 24(2), 62-68.