What are seed ticks?
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How can you differentiate hard ticks from soft ticks?
- Soft ticks have no scutum
- The mouthparts are not visible from the dorsal surface of soft ticks
- Hard ticks have festoons
- Hard ticks can be ornate
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True or False: Soft ticks can swell up to three times their body size whilst taking a blood meal
- False
- Soft ticks feed little and often and cannot expand to three times their body size whilst feeding
- Female hard ticks can swell up to three times their body size whilst engorging on a blood meal
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List the mouthparts of ticks
- Hypostome
- Chelicerae
- Palps
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Fill in the missing words about soft and hard ticks
Soft ticks feed little and often and on many hosts. Hard ticks take one blood meal at each life cycle stage and can feed on one, two or three different hosts during their life cycle.
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What is trans-ovarian transmission and give an example of a species of tick which uses this
- Infection is passed from one generation of ticks to the next through the egg
- Babesia
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What is trans-stadial transmission?
- Parasite or microbial organism is ingested during feeding
- Organism passed onto the next host as the tick develops (only in two and three host ticks)
- It is not passed onto the next generation through the egg
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What is the most important tick species in the UK, how many hosts does it feed upon and what disease can it spread?
- Ixodes species
- 3 host tick
- Transmits Lyme Disease
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What climate does Rhipicephalus species prefer and what is it a vector for?
- Warmer climates'
- Theileria parva for East Coast Fever
- Babesia bigemina
- Babesia canis and Ehrlichia canis
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Name some important soft ticks
- Argas species'
- Ornithodorus species
- Otobius species
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What are the main methods of tick control?
- Killing ticks on the ground'
- Separate the host from infection
- Killing ticks on the host
- Enhancing stock resistance
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