ELearning showcase

Revision as of 12:58, 8 December 2010 by Ctrace (talk | contribs) (moved Projects to ELearning showcase: Projects does not adequately describe the page contents)

WikiVet Learning EnvironmentELearn Banner.png

The vetschools collaborating on WikiVet have over the years produced a vast collection of online learning resources. Here are a few samples but please let us know if you have online links to veterinary educational content which you think could be useful for the WikiVet.

Computer Aided Learning

These resources include Emergency case simulators, Dentistry quizzes and Pitfalls to avoid when first in practice.


These PowerPoints include interactive dermatology case studies


There are several image archives included within WikiVet, including histology images that can be explored using the Digital slidebox. A new addition is cytology cases that have questions, answers and links to relevant articles. Well worth a look!
