Cattle Medicine Q&A 11

Mansonlogo This question was provided by Manson Publishing as part of the OVAL Project. See more Cattle questions

Cattle Medicine 11.jpg

A 6-year-old Holstein cow, which calved 36 hr earlier, is presented in sternal recumbency, profoundly depressed, dehydrated, afebrile (38.5°C,101.3°F)), with toxic mucous membranes, an elevated heart rate of 96 beats per minute, and an increased respiratory rate (34 breaths per minute). The udder is soft but a pale, serum-like, secretion can be drawn from one quarter.

Question Answer Article
Which diseases would you consider? (Most likely first.) Link to Article
What treatments would you administer? [[|Link to Article]]
What control measures could be adopted? [[|Link to Article]]


Comments by Nick Lyons MA VetMB CertCHP MRCVS

  1. Minor point, only catheters 12 or 14 gauge are available in the UK.

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