
Demodex merioni is the species of Demodex mite affecting the gerbil.


Disease is normally only found in young, old and debilitated, pregnant or under-nourished animals.

Clinical Signs

Lesions present as alopecia, scaliness and ulceration of the hindlimbs and tail.


Deep skin-scrapings (to the level of capillary ooze) and microscopic examination with identification of the mite is an appropriate methos of diagnosis..


Two injections of Ivermectin administered subcutaneously 7 days apart are reported to be effective.

Diluted Amitraz administered topically every 2 week, up to 6 times.

The environment should be thoroughly disinfected and bedding should be kept clean and changed regularly.


Bond, Hendricks, Loeffler (2009) Veterinary Dermatology RVC Intergrated BVetMed Course, Royal Veterinary College

Merck & Co (2009) The Merck Veterinary Manual (Ninth Edition), Merial