Placenta Endocrine Function - Anatomy & Physiology


Hormones of the Testes
Hormone Regulation Action
Prostaglanding F2a Leydig Cells GnRH from the Hypothalamus causes LH secretion from the Pituitary Gland which stimulates the Leydig Cells. This hormone controls and maintains the growth and functions of the reproductive organs. It enhances libido and is essential for spermatogenesis.
Progesterone Sertoli Cells GnRH from the Hypothalamus causes FSH secretion from the Pituitary Gland which stimulates the Sertoli Cells. Prevents secretion of further FSH from the Pituitary Gland.
Oestrogen Sertoli Cells GnRH from the Hypothalamus causes FSH secretion from the Pituitary Gland which stimulates the Sertoli Cells. Converted from testosterone, this hormone's function is complex. It may prevent apoptosis of male germ cells.
Equine Chorionic Gonadotropin (eCG) Sertoli Cells GnRH from the Hypothalamus causes FSH secretion from the Pituitary Gland which stimulates the Sertoli Cells. Converted from testosterone, this hormone's function is complex. It may prevent apoptosis of male germ cells.
hCG Sertoli Cells GnRH from the Hypothalamus causes FSH secretion from the Pituitary Gland which stimulates the Sertoli Cells. Converted from testosterone, this hormone's function is complex. It may prevent apoptosis of male germ cells.