Welcome to WikiVet,
a collaborative initiative between the UK Vetschools to develop a comprehensive on-line veterinary knowledge base.
5,936 articles.



This section covers the undergraduate veterinary pathology curriculum.


This section includes information about veterinary bacteriology, virology and parasitology.

Wiki Anatomy and Physiology

This section includes information about veterinary anatomy, histology and physiology.


This section includes information about the components of blood and associated immunological diseases.


This section includes clinical information.

Other resources


This section is a working glossary for Wiki editors.

E-learning Resources

Access to a range of on-line courses, videos and images.

Veterinary Education

A section for veterinary educators to collaborate and share expertise.

Background Information

More about who is involved in the WikiVet project.


Thanks to all the individuals and institutions who have supported WikiVet.

This project is funded by JISC and the Higher Education Academy.

Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License