Ultrasonography of the internal genital organs in the jack: A) ampulla of the vas deferens, B) urinary bladder, P) prostate, SV) seminal vesicle or vesicular gland. (Image courtesy of The Donkey Sanctuary)
Ultrasonography of the testis and epididymis. Longitudinal view of the testis showing testicular parenchyma (T) and the central vein of the mediastinum testis (arrow). (Image courtesy of The Donkey Sanctuary)
Ultrasonography of the testis and epididymis. Caput (head) epididymis (HE) and testis (T). (Image courtesy of The Donkey Sanctuary)
Ultrasonography of the testis and epididymis. Cauda (tail) epididymis (TE) and testicular parenchyma (T). (Image courtesy of The Donkey Sanctuary)