Category:Cat Nematodes

Nematodes of Cats

In the UK, the only nematodes commonly found are Toxocara cati and, to a lesser extent, Toxascaris leonina. Hookworm infections are reported on rare occasions, but it is not known which species this is. The metastrongyloid lungworm of cats, Aelurostrongylus, can be problematic as the prognosis is guarded once clinical signs appear. Overseas, cats have their own species of hookworm and whipworm, and may be at risk from canine heartworm in highly endemic areas.

Small Intestine Caecum Lungs Heart
  • (Ancylostoma spp.)

NB Cats are abnormal hosts for this nematode

Lungworms of Dogs and Cats

Filaroides Infections

  • F. osleri is usually associated with particular boarding kennels.
  • Diagnosis and treatment are difficult.
  • The Baermann apparatus is used to recover L1 from faeces.
  • Larvae are, however, few in number and have sluggish movements.
  • They may, therefore, be very difficult to demonstrate in faeces or sputum.
  • Endoscopy (to visualise the tracheal nodules) is often required to confirm diagnosis.

Treatment of Lungworms in Dogs and Cats

  • Angiostrongylus vasorum is easy to treat with suitable anthelmintics, but the others require high daily doses of benzimidazoles for 3-7days.
  • Two or more courses of treatment may be necessary (with a rest period between each).
  • Fenbendazole is licensed for the treatment of Aelurostrongylus (50mg/kg for 3days) and F. osleri (50mg/kg for 7days).

Pages in category "Cat Nematodes"

The following 7 pages are in this category, out of 7 total.