- Anaerobic, intestinal spirochaetes, found in normal and diseased pigs
- Enterophogens of pigs
- B. hyodysenteriae, B. pilosicoli, B. innocens, Serpulina intermedia and S. murdochii occur in pigs
- Carrier pigs shed B. hyodysenteriae for up to 3 months, acting as a source of infection for healthy pigs
- Demonstrated in stained faecal smears or silver-stained histopathology sections
- Cultured anaerobically on selective blood agar
- Spirochaetes differentiated by pattern of haemolysis on blood agar as well as molecular techniques
- Pathogenesis
- Motility in mucous allows colonisation of pig intestine
- Haemolytic and cytotoxic activiity important for virulence
- Attachment of B. pilosicoli to epithelial cells of colonic mucosa disrupts their function and leads to their shedding and oedema
- Clinical infections
Pages in category "Brachyspira and Serpulina"
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