- C. renale, C. pilosum, C. cystitidis
- Found in the vulva, vagina and prepuce of normal cattle
- Bovine pyelonephritis
- Stress of parturition and short urethra predisposes cows to urinary tract infection
- Cystitis especially with C. cystitidis
- Ascending infection from bladder through ureters causes pyelonephritis
- Fever, anoexia, decreased milk production
- Restlessness; kicking of abdomen indicate renal pain
- Dysuria, arched back, bloody urine
- Chronic infection causes extensive renal damage
- Enlarged ureters and kidneys palpated per rectum
- Culture from urine; protein and red blood cells in urine
- Antibiotics e.g. penicillin for at least three weeks
- Ulcerative balanoposthitis (pizzle rot):
- Common in Merino sheep and Angora goats
- Ulceration around prepucial orifice with brown crust, and occasionally on vulva of ewes
- Bacteria hydrolyse urea to ammonia which causes mucosal irritation and ulceration
- High urine urea level, from high protein intake may predispose to condition
- High oestrogen levels in pastures also predisposes
- Castration and heavy wool around the prepuce are risk factors