Lizard and Snake Euthanasia


When euthanasia is the only sensible option for the animal, you will obviously want to carry out the procedure in the most humane way. Unfortunately, reptiles are ectothermic and thus accustomed to fluctuations in body temperature. Their central nervous system is less sensitive to a drop in oxygen tension. Freezing is painful and should NOT be used.

Lethal injection

Sodium pentobarbitone is an effective and humane method of euthanasia in reptiles at mammalian doses. IV or ICo injections are acceptable. Injections should not be made intracardially or into the lungs as this is regarded as painful and irritant. Intractable snakes can be sedated with ketamine. ICo and IM are adequate but duration to effect can be variable.


Because of the ability of reptiles to withstand anoxia, spinal cord severance is not an acceptable method of euthanasia. Physical methods involving concussion are acceptable and the blow must be given with such force as to cause cessation of brain activity.


The central nervous system of reptiles is less sensitive than mammals to a drop in oxygen tension and they are capable of holding their breaths for long periods of time. Inhalation methods are therefore not considered a practicable or humane method of euthanasia.