Also known as: European chicken flea

Scientific Classification

Class Insecta
Order Siphonaptera
Family Ceratophyllidae


Poultry, dogs, cats and humans.


C. gallinae are around 2mm. They have pronotal combs, but no genal combs.

Life Cycle

This flea spends most of its time amongst the material comprising the host's nest, and spend short periods of time on the host, only whilst feeding.

The larvae feed on detritus, which is found on the host nest. The larvae take several weeks to develop, going through 3 transformations. They then enter the pupae stage, developing in a silk coccon.

Emergence from pupae is mainly triggered by rising temperatures.


Taylor, M.A, Coop, R.L., Wall,R.L. (2007) Veterinary Parasitology Blackwell Publishing