Archaeopsylla erinacei

Also known as: Hedgehog flea
Archaeopsylla erinacei
Class Insecta
Order Siphonaptera
Family Pulicide


Hedgehogs, cats and dogs.


The adults are 2-3.5mm in length. They have anything from 1-3 genal combs, and a pronotal comb.

See general flea structure.

Life Cycle

Before the female lays eggs, it must first have several large blood feeds on the host. It then lays its eggs on the host, which shortly hatch into larvae. The larvae undergo three transformations, before entering the pupae stages. They then finally become fully reproductive females.

They spend most of their life cycle on the host.

See general flea life cycle.


Taylor, M.A, Coop, R.L., Wall,R.L. (2007) Veterinary Parasitology Blackwell Publishing