
Toxicology is the study of chemicals or substances that can damage tissues or destroy life. Such chemicals and substances are commonly referred to as poisons, and can include plants, pharmacalogical agents, heavy metals, herbicides, insecticides, rodenticides, mycotoxins and snake bite venoms. The key to understanding the effects of poential poisons is to recognise that they all have a dose dependant adverse effect - even water can be toxic when administered or consumed in large quantities!

Exposure to a toxic subtance does not always result in poisoning - the substane mut be absorbed and react with tissues/organs for toxicity to occur. The study of this is known as toxicokinetics. The incidence of poisonings in animals in the UK is not specifically documented as there is no legal obligation to report cases, but the Veterinary Poisons Information Service do offer advice and guidance on cases and will research incidents associated with pesticide poisoning via the Wildlife Incident Investigation Scheme.

Toxic Effects


Specific Poisons

Clinical approach to a suspected poisoning case