Ovaries - Developmental Pathology
- Ovarian agenesis: One or both ovaries. Rare but seen in pig and ruminants.
- Accessory ovaries: Rare but seen in pig and dog.
- Ovarian hypoplasia: Rare in Britain but recognised in Swedish Highland cattle (autosomal recessive gene). Affected cattle have a bilateral condition and infantilism of the tract. It is important to differentiate between true hypoplasia and developed but non functioning ovaries in adult cows.
- Vascular Hamartoma: An incidental finding in the cow, pig and horse. Seen as a dark red mass on ovarian surface composed of connective tissue and vascular channels.
- Cysts: Parovarian cysts arise from mesonephric or paramesonephric ducts, they can be large and seen in the mare, dog and cat.
Information by permission of Professor RW Else