Pituitary Gland Flash Cards - Anatomy & Physiology

Pituitary Gland

Question Answer Article
Describe the location of the Pituitary Gland. Link to Article
Label the diagram ('Image 1' below). Link to Article
Which sections of the Pituitary Gland labelled above make up the Adenohypophysis and Neurohypophysis: Link to Article
What is the blood supply to the Pituitary Gland: Link to Article
What part of the Pituitary Gland does this histological section ('Image 2' below) represent? Link to Article
Which parts of the Pituitary Gland does this histological section ('Image 3' below) represent? Link to Article
What part of the Pituitary Gland does this histological section ('Image 4' below) represent? Link to Article
What are the cell types within the Pars Distalis and what hormones do they produce? Link to Article
What is secreted by the Posterior Pituitary Gland and what are their actions: Link to Article
Decribe how Milk Let-Down is initiated. Link to Article

Image 1 ©RVC 2008
Image 2 ©RVC 2008
Image 3 ©RVC 2008
Image 4 ©RVC 2008 ]