Created page with "Urea is principally a product of amino acid deamination in the liver. Urea is primarily excreted by the kidneys and is the most commonly used test of renal function with creat..."
Urea is principally a product of amino acid deamination in the liver. Urea is primarily excreted by the kidneys and is the most commonly used test of renal function with creatinine.

== Small animals ==

=== Increased urea, renal azotaemia ===

* Acute renal failure
* Chronic renal failure

=== Increased urea, prerenal azotaemia ===

* Dehydration
* Shock
* High protein diet
* Fever
* Reduced cardiac output
* Hyperthyroidism
* Hypoadrenocorticism
* Gastrointestinal haemorrhage

=== Increased urea, postrenal azotaemia ===

* Feline urological syndrome
* Bladder rupture
* Calculi
* Neoplasia
* Perineal herniation

=== Causes of a low urea concentration ===

* Polydipsia/polyuria (due to causes other than renal disease)
* Hepatic insufficiency, especially portosystemic shunt
* Low protein diet
* Late pregnancy
* Anabolic steroids

=== Complementary tests ===
Creatinine and phosphorus. Urine specific gravity, urinalysis, glomerular filtration rate and SDMA.

Test Codes - Please visit or see our current price list for more information

== Equine ==

=== Increased urea, prerenal azotaemia ===

* Dehydration
* Reduced renal perfusion
* Congestive heart failure
* Excessive muscle catabolism
* High protein diet
* Grass sickness

=== Increased urea, renal azotaemia ===

* Acute renal failure
* Chronic renal failure

=== Increased urea, postrenal azotaemia ===

* Obstruction, ruptured bladder
* Ruptured bladder in neonatal foals
* Low urea concentrations
* Hepatic insufficiency
* Young foals (normal by 60 days)

=== Complementary tests ===
Creatinine and phosphorus. Urine specific gravity (<1.020 in a dehydrated or azotaemic horse suggests renal tubular dysfunction). Urine clearance or fractional electrolyte excretion ratios (renal tubular dysfunction).

Test Codes - Please visit or see our current price list for more information

== Authors & References ==
[[NationWide Laboratories]]