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To better diagnose oesophagitis, endoscopy with biopsies can be used. Severe oesophagitis will be seen with an oedematous mucosa that is hyperaemic, ulcerated and actively bleeding, whilst less severe cases may require several mucosal biopsies to diagnose the condition.
To better diagnose oesophagitis, endoscopy with biopsies can be used. Severe oesophagitis will be seen with an oedematous mucosa that is hyperaemic, ulcerated and actively bleeding, whilst less severe cases may require several mucosal biopsies to diagnose the condition.
Mild oesophagitis:
*withdraw oral food for 2-3 days and manage as an outpatient.
More severe oesophagitis:
*may need admitting to the hospital, Nil Per Os and animal may require enteral or parenteral nutritional support.
*oral sucralfate suspension
*gastric acid secretory inhibitors can be useful in cases of gastro-oesophageal reflux
*broad spectrum antibiotics in animals with aspiration pneumonia
Mild oesophagitis has a good prognosis whereas ulcerative oesophagitis and animals suffering from aspiration pneumonia have a more guarded prognosis.
