Routine haematology and biochemistry rarely show any abnormalities in dogs, but eosinophilia is often seen in cats<sup>1</sup>. The measurement of total serum IgE levels is not useful in the diagnosis of atopic dermatitis as IgE levels do not significantly differ betweem atopic and normal animals<sup>beale</sup>. IgE levels are also influence by the presence of parasites, vaccinations and breed, and so this test is not reliable | Routine haematology and biochemistry rarely show any abnormalities in dogs, but eosinophilia is often seen in cats<sup>1</sup>. The measurement of total serum IgE levels is not useful in the diagnosis of atopic dermatitis as IgE levels do not significantly differ betweem atopic and normal animals<sup>beale</sup>. IgE levels are also influence by the presence of parasites, vaccinations and breed, and so this test is not reliable |