97 bytes added ,  13:19, 28 September 2010
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[[Image:Leukopoiesis pathway.jpg|right|thumb|300px|'''Leukopoiesis pathway''']]
<p>Leukopoiesis is the process of formation of [[Leukocytes|leukocytes]] (white blood cells) from stem cells in haematopoietic organs. Leukocytes develop from either multipotential myeloid stem cells ([[Haematopoiesis - Overview#Colony Forming Units|CFU-GEMM]]) or multipotential lymphoid stem cells ([[Haematopoiesis - Overview#Colony Forming Units|CFU-L]]). </p>
<p>Leukopoiesis is the process of formation of [[Leukocytes|leukocytes]] (white blood cells) from stem cells in haematopoietic organs. Leukocytes develop from either multipotential myeloid stem cells ([[Haematopoiesis - Overview#Colony Forming Units|CFU-GEMM]]) or multipotential lymphoid stem cells ([[Haematopoiesis - Overview#Colony Forming Units|CFU-L]]). </p>
<p>[[Leukocytes|Leukocytes]] developing from CFU-GEMM’s are granulocytes ([[Neutrophils|neutrophils]], [[Basophils| basophils]] and [[Eosinophils| eosinophils]]) or [[Monocytes|monocytes]] and [[Leukocytes|leukocytes]] developing from [[Haematopoiesis - Overview#Colony Forming Units|CFU-L]]'s are lymphocytes (T & B cells, dendritic and NK cells).</p>
<p>[[Leukocytes|Leukocytes]] developing from CFU-GEMM’s are granulocytes ([[Neutrophils|neutrophils]], [[Basophils| basophils]] and [[Eosinophils| eosinophils]]) or [[Monocytes|monocytes]] and [[Leukocytes|leukocytes]] developing from [[Haematopoiesis - Overview#Colony Forming Units|CFU-L]]'s are lymphocytes (T & B cells, dendritic and NK cells).</p>
[[Image:Leukopoiesis pathway.jpg|right|thumb|400px|'''Leukopoiesis pathway''']]
[[Image:Leukopoiesis pathway.jpg|right|thumb|300px|'''Leukopoiesis pathway''']]
