Parathyroid Glands Flash Cards - Anatomy & Physiology

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Question Answer Article
Describe the embryological origin of the parathyroid glands.
  • The parathyroid glands originate from the endoderm of pharyngeal pouches III and IV. The internal gland from pouch IV, external from pouch III.
Answer article
Describe the location of the parathyroid glands.
  • The parathyroid glands are multiple(around four) small glands approximately 1-2mm in length are located about the cranial trachea.
  • The two internal glands are embedded within the Thyroid Glands, and the two external glands are outside the thyroid tissue.
  • In the Horse, there are 'nests' of parathyroid tissue along the neck to the thoracic inlet.
Answer article
Describe the blood supply and venous drainage of the Parathyroid Glands.
  • Supply = Cranial Thyroid Artery and Caudal Thyroid Artery
  • Venous Drainage = Superior, Middle and Inferior Thyroid Veins (leading to Internal Jugular Vein).
Answer article
What are the two cell types of the parathyroid gland, and what is their function?
  • Chief (Principal) Cells - function = production of Parathyroid Hormone, vital for calcium homeostasis.
  • Oxyphil Cells - function unclear.
Answer article
Label the following histological section:
©RVC 2008
  • A = Thyroid
  • B = Cords of Principal Cell
  • C = Blood Vessels
  • D = Capsule
Answer Article