How do chromoblastomycosis infections spread in the host?
- By the lymphatic system
- Disseminates to other tissues and organs
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Which species do the majority of chromomycosis infections occur in?
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What clinical signs would you see with a chromomycosis infection?
- Regional granulomatous lymphadenitis
- Nodular and ulcerating lesions of the skin on the feet, legs and occasionally eyes
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In which species does epizootic lymphangitis occur and which fungi is responsible?
- Equidae
- Histoplasma capsulatum var. farciminosum
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How is epizootic lymphangitis spread between animals?
- Biting flies
- Direct contact
- Indirect contact
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Which organs/bodily systems are commonly affected by epizootic lymphangitis and where do clinical signs usually present on the body?
- Lymphatic system
- Skin
- Ulcerative lesions usually occur on the neck and limbs
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How would you treat and prevent an epizootic lymphangitis infection?
- Amphotericin B, haymycin or potassium iodide
- Vaccination
- Injection of hyperimmune serum around a lesion
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