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Call the extension by useing the tag <FlashCard> and then uss the following parameters.

Parameter Output
questions=x Declared inside the tag. Where x is equal to the number of questions
qx= Where x is the question number
ax= Defines the answer for the question. Where x is the question number the answer belongs to.
lx= Defines the article link for the question. Where x is the question number the link belongs to.

<FlashCard questions="2">


Syntax <FlashCard questions="3">
|q1=What types of general somatic sensory information are there?
|a1=Pain; touch; temperature; kinaesthesia
|l1=Sensory Pathways - Anatomy & Physiology#Introduction
|q2=Where is sensory information processed if it isn't percieved consciously?
|l2=Sensory Pathways - Anatomy & Physiology#Introduction
|q3=True or false: "Dorsal columns reach the cerebellum on the contralateral side of the body?"
|a3=False - they reach the thalamus and are percieved consciously
|l3=Sensory Pathways - Anatomy & Physiology#Dorsal Columns

Question Answer Article
What types of general somatic sensory information are there? Link to Article
Where is sensory information processed if it isn't percieved consciously? Link to Article
True or false: "Dorsal columns reach the cerebellum on the contralateral side of the body?" Link to Article