Wohlfahritia spp. are from the family Sarcophagidae. Also known as flesh flies; Wohlfahritia are the largest genus, and are known to cause miasis.

W. magnifica

Also known as: Flesh Fly


Wohlfahritia (Image sourced from Alvesgaspar, Wikimedia Commons)


The females will lay eggs on any warm blooded animal.


The adults are grey, and have three prominent longitudinal bands. The abdomen has clear black spots.

Life Cycle

W. magnifica are obligate agents of myiasis. The females leave L1 on the host, usually in wounds or body orifices. The larvae then undergo two further moults before leaving the host, and pupating on the ground.

=W. nuba

Also known as: Flesh Fly




The adults are around 10mm, with long elongated bodies. They have longitudinal black stripes, and a dark grey abdomen.

Life Cycle

The females lay primarily in dead stock, but may also infect live mammals, particularly in Northern Africa, causing myiasis. The females lay L1 on the host, then undergo two further moults, before finally pupating on the ground.

W. vigil

Also known as: Grey flesh Fly


Mink, foxes, and rabbits are primarily affected, but W. vigil may also occasionally affect cats and dogs.


The adults are around 10mm long, with elongated bodies, an longitudinal black stripes. It also has a grey and black abdomen.

Life Cycle

The female leaves active maggots on the host; often in wounds and body orfices. The larvae, however, may penetrate intact skin. The larvae undergo two further transformations, before dropping to the ground to pupate.

W. meigeni


Mainly foxes and minks.


The adults are around 10mm in length, and have slender, elongated bodies. They have longitudinal black stripes and a grey and black abdomen.

Life Cycle

The female lays active maggots on the host, in the orifices or existing areas of myiasis. The larvae then undergo two further moults, then leave the host, and pupate on the ground.

The larvae will be apparent has boil like swellings under the skin.