Right Dorsal Displacement of Large Colon - Horse

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Right dorsal displacement of the large colon is a cause of colic in horses. It is much less common than left dorsal displacements and usually is more acute and serious in presentation. In its most common form the large colon rotates through 180° and displaces to sit between the caecum and the right body wall. The exact cause of the condition is not known.



Clinical Signs

Colic Diagnosis in Horses



Prompt surgical treatment is neccessary for correstio. Concurrent medical treatment with IV fluids and analgesia is also indicated, as described in the section Medical Treatment of Colic in Horses.


If the condition is identified early and surgical correction is caried out without delay then the prognosis is very good. In cases where the vascular supply to the colon has been compromised the progonis is much worse.


  • Mair, T.S, Divers, T.J, Ducharme, N.G (2002) Manual of Equine Gastroenterology, WB Saunders.
  • Merck & Co (2008) The Merck Veterinary Manual (Eighth Edition) Merial
  • Robinson, N.E., Sprayberry, K.A. (2009) Current Therapy in Equine Medicine (Sixth Edition) Saunders Elsevier
  • Rose, R. J. and Hodgson, D. R. (2000) Manual of Equine Practice (Second Edition) Sauders
  • White, N.A., Edwards, G.B. (1999) Handbook of Equine Colic Reed Educational and Professional Publishing Ltd