Sarah Hamilton


What I hope to get out of this project

A better understanding of the alimentary tract and getting to know the other people involved in the project.

Curriculum area that interests me

Animal husbandry, ruminant and horse digestion, reproduction physiology.

Topics that are difficult

Drugs - names, receptors, side effects.

Three weeks into the wikivet project (or thereabouts)

Sections I've been working on

What I feel I've gained so far from being involved in the project

  • The ability to collate information from different sources and put it into an accessible format.
  • I feel more knowledgeable in the areas I have been working on.
  • Working in a professional context.

Problems or issues that I've had or can forsee

  • The server being turned off, and not being able to work!
  • A shortage of images.

My suggestions for improving the way the project works for the future

  • Outline a format, and have everyone agree early on in the project.
  • Name every page correctly, e.g. anatomy & physiology

What involvement (if any!) I would like to have with the project in the future

  • I would be very happy to work on the project in the future. I would be interested in writing up more pages.