Arthritis Classification
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- Inflammation of intra-articular structures
- In farm animals usually due to infection
- In small animals usually due to non-infectious causes
- Classification:
- According to number of joints involved - polyarthritis
- According to type of inflammatory exudate
- Serous
- Increased synovial fluid production
- Resolves if uncomplicated
- Fibrinous
- Early stages:
- Increased and more opaque synovial exudate
- Enlarged hyperaemic villi
- Small haemorrhages in synovial membrane
- Later stages:
- Less exudate
- Thickend synovial connective tissue
- Marked villi proliferation (branching in microscopic preparations)
- Proliferated synovial tissue -> peripheral fibrous tissue attempting repair across defective surface = pannus
- Mild cases resolve
- More severe cases - residual inflammation remains
- Most severe cases - organising fibrosis +/- ankylosis
- Early stages:
- Purulent
- Usually from haemoatogenous spread e.g. neonatal navel ill
- May extend from adjacent abscesses
- More destructive
- Erosion of articular surfaces to underlying bone
- Forms abscesses
- Possible fistulation to the skin
- Serous
- Caused by:
- Trauma
- Infectious organisms (e.g. bacteria, viruses)
- Foreign material (urate crystals = gout)
- Immune-mediated disease