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Created page with "A stress leuocogram is a finding on a haematological test. It is characterised by a neutrophilia, monocytosis, lymphopaenia and..."
A stress leuocogram is a finding on a haematological test. It is characterised by a [[Neutrophilia|neutrophilia]], [[Monocytosis|monocytosis]], [[Lymphopaenia|lymphopaenia]] and [[Eosinopaenia|eosinopaenia]]

A useful pneumonic to remember is SMILED, which stands for '''S'''egmented (neutrophils) and '''M'''onocytes '''I'''ncreased, '''L'''ymphocytes and '''E'''osinophils '''D'''ecreased.

==What can this indicate==
A stress leucogram can be completely normal as part of the stress response. It is caused by endogenous release of adrenaline/epinephrine which causes the above haematological parameters to change, this release can be triggered by pain, stress or excitement. See below for the mechanism for this change.

A stress leucogram can also be seen in [[Cushing's Disease]] (AKA hyperadrenocorticism) where there is a pathological increase in the amount of adrenaline released endogenously, or via iatrogenic injection of exogenous corticosteroids.

==How does it occur?==
The corticosteroid (whether endogenous or exogenous) causes a variety of affects on blood cells, including margination
Donkey, Bureaucrats


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