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*'''CD''' - cluster of differentiation (CD) antigen
*'''CD''' - cluster of differentiation (CD) antigen
*'''CD1''' - cell surface marker particuarly found on dendritic cells, belongs to the MHC-class-Ib-molecules
*'''CD1''' - cell surface marker particuarly found on dendritic cells, belongs to the MHC-class-Ib-molecules
*'''CD3''' - cell surface marker demarcating the T-cell population, transmits signals detected by an antigen receptor
*'''CD4''' - cell surface receptor demarcating T-helper cells, Used as coreceptor in the identification of MHC-classII-associated antigen. It is also a receptor for the HI-virus.
*'''CD14''' - specific marker for mononuclear phagocytes. Part of the LPS receptor complex
*'''CD14''' - specific marker for mononuclear phagocytes. Part of the LPS receptor complex
*'''CD19''' - cell surface marker associated with B-cells
*'''CD19''' - cell surface marker demarcating B-cells
*'''CD20''' - cell surface marker associated with B-cells
*'''CD20''' - cell surface marker demarcating B-cells
*'''CD21''' - cell surface marker demarcating B-cells, belongs to the complement receptors and binds C3d. Otherwise known as CR2
*'''CD28''' - molecule expressed on T-cells. Only if a CD28 identifies a ligand (CD80, CD86) on an antigen presenting cell does it activate a T-cell that recognises its antigen
*'''CD34''' - cell surface marker demarcating stem cells and immature bone marrow cells *'''CD40''' - cell surface marker present on antigen presenting cells, important in the T-B collaboration (mediates isotype-switch)
*'''CD40-Ligand (L)''' - cell surface marker found on T-cells, important for T-B collaboration (e.g. induction of isotype-switch)
*'''CD44''' - cell surface marker, adhesion molecule, expressed on all cells of the immune system
*'''CD45''' - cell surface marker unique to all leucocytes, has phosphatase activity
*'''CD45RA''' - related to CD45, demarcates antigen-naive lymphocytes
*'''CD45RO''' - related to CD45, demarcates memory cells (lymphocytes that have come in contact with antigen)
*'''Coeliac disease''' - A condition in which the small intestine fails to digest and absorb food, due to the permanent sensitivity of the intestinal lining to the protein gliadin (found in gluten). Histopathological changes are seen as villi atrophy. Medical name: '''gluten enteropathy'''  
*'''Coeliac disease''' - A condition in which the small intestine fails to digest and absorb food, due to the permanent sensitivity of the intestinal lining to the protein gliadin (found in gluten). Histopathological changes are seen as villi atrophy. Medical name: '''gluten enteropathy'''  
*'''Comedo''' - plugged and dilated hair follicle
*'''Comedo''' - plugged and dilated hair follicle


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