Campylobacter live on the mucosa of the intestinal and genital tract and can be commensals or pathogens. The enteric species cause disease in humans and other species cause infertility and abortion in cattle and sheep.
Campylobacter live on the mucosa of the intestinal and genital tract and can be commensals or pathogens. The enteric species cause disease in humans and other species cause infertility and abortion in cattle and sheep. [[Campylobacteriosis]] is caused by Campylobacter organisms.
''C. jejuni'' and ''C. lari'' is excreted in the faeces of birds and pigs and can contaminate water and food supplies.
''C. jejuni'' and ''C. lari'' is excreted in the faeces of birds and pigs and can contaminate water and food supplies.
''C. fetus'' is restricted to the bovine prepucial mucosa.
''C. fetus'' is restricted to the bovine prepucial mucosa.