Apergillosis is a disease of the respiratory system caused by several ''[[Aspergillus spp.]]''. ''Aspergillus fumigatus'' is the most frequently reported species in domestic animals but ''[[Aspergillus tereus]]'' has also been implicated. ''Aspergillus'' is a ubiquitous saprophyte and is found world wide. It is also a component of normal hair, skin and mucosal flora in both humans and animals. Commonly affected species include birds, dogs, cats, horses and cattle but the disease has been reported in many other wild and domestic species. The pathogenesis of the disease remains largely unknown but is thought to be due to opportunistic infetion of mucosal or cutaneous surfaces by the enzymatic breakdown of tissue by elastase.
Apergillosis is a disease of the respiratory system caused by several ''[[Aspergillus spp.]]''. ''Aspergillus fumigatus'' is the most frequently reported species in domestic animals but ''[[Aspergillus tereus]]'' has also been implicated. ''Aspergillus'' is a ubiquitous saprophyte and is found world wide. It is also a component of normal hair, skin and mucosal flora in both humans and animals. Commonly affected species include birds, dogs, cats, horses and cattle but the disease has been reported in many other wild and domestic species. The pathogenesis of the disease remains largely unknown but is thought to be due to opportunistic infetion of mucosal or cutaneous surfaces facilatated by the enzyme elastase.