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'''<big>This page shows some of the queries that we get often, with some links to some of the answers you may find useful. If the question you want to ask is not listed here, please do email the [mailto:wikimaster@wikivet.net WikiVet<sup>®</sup> team] and we will do our best to find an answer for you. You can also let us know if you think a question not mentioned here should be included.</big>'''
==General FAQs==
===What is WikiVet?===
WikiVet is a collaborative initiative involving UK veterinary schools. The project is creating a comprehensive online knowledge
base which covers the entire veterinary curriculum. This will provide a reliable reference source to supersede Wikipedia for veterinary students, nurses and graduates anywhere in the world.
===Who is WikiVet intended for?===
Our primary user base we feel is students of the veterinary sciences as we are actively trying to cover all aspects of the veterinary curriculum in our content. As the site grows we hope that professionals will also use the site to gain quick access to veterinary information.
===Who is responsible for the content on WikiVet?===
Essentially the users of the site are responsible for the content. We hope that only veterinary professionals will be added to the site and once a new page or edit has been performed the page will be flagged up with the following:
We hope that this will ensure that users are made aware of these pages and can use the own judgement on the validity of the page until the page has been reviewed.
===Who owns the content of WikiVet?===
Content on the Medpedia site is freely available for reuse under the GNU Free Documentation License.
===Who governs activity in WikiVet?===
Initially, WikiVet Project staff and a few volunteers will oversee activity on the site. Over time, as the community of Editors grows, a hierarchy of volunteer administrators will take over the day-to-day governance and policy setting of the WikiVet community.
===Who can contribute to the content on WikiVet?===
Anyone. Anyone who signs on to the site can add content to the pages. We hope though that our log in process will discourage members of the public from joining and that the site remains essentially a veterinary community.
===Will WikiVet expand to include languages other than English?===
Yes, we have already started developing a Spanish version of WikiVet. This can be found here [[Es_Main_Page|here]]. We are in discussions about starting a French version of the site. If you feel you can help with any further development please contact the [mailto:wikimaster@wikivet.net admin] team.
===How is WikiVet supported?===
The project is currently being supported by the Higher Education Academy and JISC funding. We are looking into co-ordinating sponsorship of pages. If you have any interest in helping to support the project please contact the [mailto:wikimaster@wikivet.net admin] team.
==Content FAQs==
===How reliable is the content on WikiVet?===
All the pages on the site will eventually be reviewed by a specialist, on a said pages subject, at one of the Veterinary Schools involved in the development of the site. These schools are namely; The Royal Veterinary College, Cambridge University, Nottingham University and The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies. Until the pages are reviewed a flag will be place on the page that that it has not yet been peer-reviewed. The pages will be authored by vet students as well as veterinary professionals so we hope that the pages will be as reliable as possible but until a page is peer-reviewed we can never 100% guarantee the reliability of the content on a page. If you have an issues with certain pages please either leave your comments on the [[feedback | Feedback]] page or email the [mailto:wikimaster@wikivet.net admin] team.
===How often are WikiVet pages updated?===
Given the nature of the project of the project there is no schedule for updates and improvements on pages. We hope that eventually thousands of people in the veterinary community will be involved with the project and so will update the pages themselves on a regular basis. In the interim we will aim to update the current the stub pages as soon as possible and then keep the most popular pages as updated as possible.
===What is WikiVet<sup>®</sup>?===
WikiVet<sup>®</sup> is a collaborative initiative that aims to provide a complete undergraduate veterinary curriculum online.  It's a [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wiki wiki], which means that it can be edited by anyone who's registered with the site; this is why we restrict membership to those related to the veterinary profession.  You can read more about WikiVet<sup>®</sup> in the [[WikiVet Introduction|WikiVet<sup>®</sup> introduction]], which will hopefully give you more of an insight into what we are.  You can also look at our [[WikiVet Mission Statement|mission statement and guiding principles]].
===Who's involved in WikiVet<sup>®</sup>?===
WikiVet is run by a small team of veterinary graduates and students. The site is managed by the [[WikiVet_Educational_Foundation|WikiVet Educational Foundation]].
You can [[WikiVet Team|meet the team]] if you want to see who's involved in managing the project. This is really just the people who are involved in publicising and managing the site though, we like to think that all of our registered users are involved in WikiVet<sup>®</sup> to a greater or lesser extent! We currently have [[Special:Statistics|{{NUMBEROFUSERS}}]] users, who come from over 240 Vet schools in over 80 countries around the world.
===How do you make money/how are you funded?===
===How is WikiVet different from other veterinary information websites?===
WikiVet<sup>®</sup> does not make a profit. We have been very lucky to receive generous help from some of our [[Sponsors|sponsors]] and have also been awarded some funding for various grants.  This funding has been used to pay our small team and as much as we can on creating new content.
WikiVet has been designed and made by both Veterinary Students and Professionals. We hope that the site grows in this way and that we have the must update thoughts and information on all things veterinary. The future structure of the site will also encourage learning as we are currently developing the use of flashcards and interactive clinical cases. In this way it will be both an information resource for the entire profession but an invaluable learning resource for students world-wide.
===Is there any content I can see before registering?===
There is some content available for viewing by the public, here is a sample of few pages:
:[[Geriatric Donkey]]
'''Learning Resources'''
:[[Equine Internal Medicine Q&A 01]]
===How do I log in?===
To log in you'll first need to have your account request accepted. This sometimes takes up to 48 hours, so please be patient.  If your request is accepted, you'll be emailed a '''temporary''' password which you'll be able to enter in the [http://en.wikivet.net/index.php?title=Special:UserLogin login screen]. This temporary password will only work once, you'll be prompted to create your own personal password.
===How do I register?===
If you're interested in registering for WikiVet<sup>®</sup>, then you'll need to go to our [http://en.wikivet.net/Special:RequestAccount registration page].  As a rule we only let in people who are related to the Veterinary profession, as every user is able to edit content and we'd prefer to not have material edited incorrectly.  You can read the document [http://commons.wikivet.net/images/b/b5/Registering_with_WikiVet.pdf Registering with WikiVet<sup>®</sup>] to find out what the process involves, and who's allowed to register if you're not sure.
===I've filled in the registration, but not received a confirmation link in an email yet, where is it?===
Once you have filled in the request account form on the registration page you should be sent an email with a link in it - '''it is essential that you click this link'''.  This confirms to us that your email address is valid and that you're not a computer. If you haven't received your email with a link in it (usually takes a few minutes), one of two problems will have occurred.  Either:
#You entered the wrong email address and the confirmation link has gone to the wrong address, or
#The email has been sent but it's gone into your junk mail folder. 
It's important that you write the correct email address in to prevent situation 1, if you haven't received the email within an hour of sending the request then please '''check your junk mail''' for our email, add us to your safe senders list then click on the confirmation link.<br>
:3. We are currently experiencing some technical issues and this is affecting the registration process. If you do not receive this email within 24 hours, please check your spam/junk mail. If the email is not there, please re-register using another email account and user name. This problem seems to be linked to institutional emails so if you have a generic email (e.g. gmail, hotmail, yahoo), please try this instead.
===I've clicked the confirmation link but not received my password yet, where is it?===  
===How is WikiVet different from Wikipedia?===  
We manually scrutinise every registration in order to ensure that we only let in approved users, so it sometimes '''takes up to 48 hours''' to get to your registration.  If it's been less than 48 hours please be patient for a while longer, if it's been longer than this and you still haven't received a password then please do email us at wikimaster@wikivet.net to prod us into action!
===I have forgotten my user name and/or password===
If you have forgotten your '''password''' and/or your '''username''', click the "[http://en.wikivet.net/Special:PasswordReset Forgotten your login details]" link on the log in screen, then enter the email address you registered with and click on the '''"email new password"''' button.
If you are still having trouble, please email the [mailto:wikimaster@wikivet.net WikiVet<sup>®</sup> team] with as much detail as you can.
===How do I edit content?===
WikiVet has been created in a similar way to it’s big brother Wikipedia. However there are three distinct differences between the two systems. Firstly all the content relates specifically to the veterinary curriculum. Secondly all the content has been authored by vets and students and is peer reviewed by subject specialists at one of the participating veterinary schools. Finally access to the site is restricted to the veterinary community in order to ensure that the general public are
Once you're registered with WikiVet<sup>®</sup>, it's relatively simple to edit a page if you spot a mistake. Some pages are locked for editing by general users, as they may contain important bits of code or important navigation links.  For any other page, you can see and edit code for the entire page by clicking on 'edit' at the top of the page. If you just want to edit a small section, then you can click on the the 'edit' link on the right side of the page, next to the section you're wanting to edit.
not able to view or edit the content.
It's worth looking at our helpful [https://wikivet-dev.s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/b/b8/Editing_a_WikiVet_Page.pdf editing guide] or our [[Help:WikiMarkup Formatting|formatting cheatsheet]] if you're planning on doing anything complicated.  We do have some [[Help:General Guidelines|guidelines]] for general editing also that you should try to adhere to.
===How can I stay up to date with what's happening in WikiVet<sup>®</sup>?===
===How can I contact WikiVet?===
We have a '''Facebook page''' at [http://www.facebook.com/wikivet www.facebook.com/WikiVet] which you can 'like' to get updates sent to your facebook profile, a '''Twitter feed''' at [http:/www.twitter.com/WikiVet www.twitter.com/WikiVet] where you can follow us, we send out a monthly Newsletter which you can subscribe to at [http://newsletter.wikivet.net newsletter.wikivet.net] and a group in NOVICE (the Network of Veterinary ICt in Education) which you can join at [http://www.noviceproject.eu/pg/groups/23370/wikivet/ www.noviceproject.eu/pg/groups/23370/wikivet/].
For questions not answered here or for general comments and inquiries about the site either email the [mailto:wikimaster@wikivet.net admin] team or leave a message for us on the [[feedback|Feedback]] page.
===I'm a student and I want to get more involved in WikiVet<sup>®</sup>. How?===
There are two main ways that students can help us currently.  We want WikiVet<sup>®</sup> to be used as widely as possible throughout the world so as many students as possible can have access to this great content.  To do this we need to let students know that WikiVet<sup>®</sup> is here, so we're on the look out for [[WikiVet Student Ambassadors|student ambassadors]].  These ambassadors would act as a point of contact for the WikiVet<sup>®</sup> team in their school, and help us keep the student body informed and motivated.  You can find out more information at the [[WikiVet Student Ambassadors|WikiVet<sup>®</sup> Student Ambassadors]] page.
We're also looking to create school pages about your school.  This will let students and graduates around the world find out more about your school, what the teaching is like and found out who they should contact.  If you'd like to help us create a page about your school (after all, who knows it better than you?) then have a look at the [[Help:Creating School Page|help page]].  If you want to see which schools already have pages and ambassadors, take a look at the [[Vet Schools Worldwide|vet schools world map]].
===I'm a Vet or Academic and I'd like to help create content. How?===
We're really keen to have as many people creating and editing content as we can, Wikipedia make it look easy because they have millions of users - we only have a few thousand so far! If you're serious about wanting to create some content, please get in touch with us by [mailto:wikimaster@wikivet.net emailing us] and let us know what area you'd be interested in building.
===I'm a subject-matter expert and I'd like to help review content. How?===
Please take a look at our [[:Help:Reviewing content|reviewing help page]]. We do want more experts to take responsibility for certain sections of the site; rest assured you'd be fully supported and wouldn't have to know much about wiki code!  All pages you review will be clearly marked with a banner to give you credit, and also reassure users that the material is up to date.

Revision as of 09:57, 6 October 2008

Help:ContentsHelp Banner.png

General FAQs

What is WikiVet?

WikiVet is a collaborative initiative involving UK veterinary schools. The project is creating a comprehensive online knowledge base which covers the entire veterinary curriculum. This will provide a reliable reference source to supersede Wikipedia for veterinary students, nurses and graduates anywhere in the world.

Who is WikiVet intended for?

Our primary user base we feel is students of the veterinary sciences as we are actively trying to cover all aspects of the veterinary curriculum in our content. As the site grows we hope that professionals will also use the site to gain quick access to veterinary information.

Who is responsible for the content on WikiVet?

Essentially the users of the site are responsible for the content. We hope that only veterinary professionals will be added to the site and once a new page or edit has been performed the page will be flagged up with the following:

We hope that this will ensure that users are made aware of these pages and can use the own judgement on the validity of the page until the page has been reviewed.

Who owns the content of WikiVet?

Content on the Medpedia site is freely available for reuse under the GNU Free Documentation License.

Who governs activity in WikiVet?

Initially, WikiVet Project staff and a few volunteers will oversee activity on the site. Over time, as the community of Editors grows, a hierarchy of volunteer administrators will take over the day-to-day governance and policy setting of the WikiVet community.

Who can contribute to the content on WikiVet?

Anyone. Anyone who signs on to the site can add content to the pages. We hope though that our log in process will discourage members of the public from joining and that the site remains essentially a veterinary community.

Will WikiVet expand to include languages other than English?

Yes, we have already started developing a Spanish version of WikiVet. This can be found here here. We are in discussions about starting a French version of the site. If you feel you can help with any further development please contact the admin team.

How is WikiVet supported?

The project is currently being supported by the Higher Education Academy and JISC funding. We are looking into co-ordinating sponsorship of pages. If you have any interest in helping to support the project please contact the admin team.

Content FAQs

How reliable is the content on WikiVet?

All the pages on the site will eventually be reviewed by a specialist, on a said pages subject, at one of the Veterinary Schools involved in the development of the site. These schools are namely; The Royal Veterinary College, Cambridge University, Nottingham University and The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies. Until the pages are reviewed a flag will be place on the page that that it has not yet been peer-reviewed. The pages will be authored by vet students as well as veterinary professionals so we hope that the pages will be as reliable as possible but until a page is peer-reviewed we can never 100% guarantee the reliability of the content on a page. If you have an issues with certain pages please either leave your comments on the Feedback page or email the admin team.

How often are WikiVet pages updated?

Given the nature of the project of the project there is no schedule for updates and improvements on pages. We hope that eventually thousands of people in the veterinary community will be involved with the project and so will update the pages themselves on a regular basis. In the interim we will aim to update the current the stub pages as soon as possible and then keep the most popular pages as updated as possible.

How is WikiVet different from other veterinary information websites?

WikiVet has been designed and made by both Veterinary Students and Professionals. We hope that the site grows in this way and that we have the must update thoughts and information on all things veterinary. The future structure of the site will also encourage learning as we are currently developing the use of flashcards and interactive clinical cases. In this way it will be both an information resource for the entire profession but an invaluable learning resource for students world-wide.

How is WikiVet different from Wikipedia?

WikiVet has been created in a similar way to it’s big brother Wikipedia. However there are three distinct differences between the two systems. Firstly all the content relates specifically to the veterinary curriculum. Secondly all the content has been authored by vets and students and is peer reviewed by subject specialists at one of the participating veterinary schools. Finally access to the site is restricted to the veterinary community in order to ensure that the general public are not able to view or edit the content.

How can I contact WikiVet?

For questions not answered here or for general comments and inquiries about the site either email the admin team or leave a message for us on the Feedback page.