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== [[Lymphadenopathy -Other]]
== [[Lymphadenopathy - Other]]

Revision as of 12:45, 4 August 2010

Category:Lymph Node Responses in Disease

Role of the Lymph Node in Inflammation

Back to Inflammation - Pathology

Diseases Involving Reactive Node Diseases

the Lymphocytes Parasitising Diseases

  • organism grows in the lymphocytes and ruptures them
  • if large infecting dose
- may be rapidly fatal since animal may no tb e able to mount an immunological attack
  • if smaller infecting dose
- loss of mature lymphocytes causes a dramatic stimulation of the remaining lymphocyte precursors
- node hyperplasia follows
- competition between lymphocytolysis by the organism and lymphocyte production by the nodes
- clinically
- may be swelling of the node at one stage and reduction in size at another

canine distemper

  • virus

swine fever

  • virus

bovine east coast fever

  • protozoan

Leishmaniasis in the dog

== Lymphadenopathy - Other

Haemal Lymph Nodes


Pages in category "Lymph Nodes"

The following 5 pages are in this category, out of 5 total.