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|Review= '''Mr David Kilroy''' MVB CVMA MRCVS <br> '''David Bainbridge''' VetMB MA PhD MRCVS
question="What does the diencephalon consist of?"
choice5="Thalamus and hypothalamus"
choice3="Cerebral hemispheres"
choice4="Cerebellum and pons"
feedback5="'''Correct!''' The diencephalon consists of the thalamus and hypothalamus. [[Neuro Glossary - Pathology|WikiVet Article: Neurology glossary]]"
feedback3="'''Incorrect.''' The telencephalon consists of the cerebral hemispheres. The diencephalon consists of the thalamus and hypothalamus. [[Neuro Glossary - Pathology|WikiVet Article: Neurology glossary]]"
feedback1="'''Incorrect.''' The mesencephalon consists of the midbrain. The diencephalon consists of the thalamus and hypothalamus. [[Neuro Glossary - Pathology|WikiVet Article: Neurology glossary ]]"
feedback4="'''Incorrect.''' The metencephalon consists of the cerebellum and pons. The diencephalon consists of the thalamus and hypothalamus. [[Neuro Glossary - Pathology|WikiVet Article: Neurology glossary ]]"
feedback2="'''Incorrect.''' The myelencephalon consists of the medulla. The diencephalon consists of the thalamus and hypothalamus. [[Neuro Glossary - Pathology|WikiVet Article: Neurology glossary]]"
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question="Which nerves innervate the flexor muscles of the carpal and digital joints?"
choice2="Median & ulnar nerves"
choice4="Median and musculocutaneous nerves"
choice3="Musculocutaneous and axillary nerves"
choice5="Ulnar and radial nerves"
choice1="Radial and axillary nerves"
feedback2="Correct. The median nerve innervates the radial carpal flexor, superficial digital flexor, deep digital flexors and pronator muscles. The ulnar nerve supplies the ulnar flexor and deep digital flexor muscles. [[Forelimb - Anatomy & Physiology#Muscles of the Carpal and Digital Joints|WikiVet Article: Distal limb]]"
feedback4="'''Incorrect.''' The median nerve innervates the radial carpal flexor, superficial digital flexor, deep digital flexors and pronator muscles and is correct. However, the musculocutaneous nerve supplies the biceps muscle. The other correct nerve is the ulnar nerve which supplies the ulnar flexor and deep digital flexor muscles. [[Forelimb - Anatomy & Physiology#Muscles of the Carpal and Digital Joints|WikiVet Article: Distal limb ]]"
feedback3="'''Incorrect.''' The musculocutaneous nerve supplies the biceps muscle and the axillary nerve innervates the deltoid, major and minor teres and subscapular muscles. The median nerve innervates the radial carpal flexor, superficial digital flexor, deep digital flexors and pronator muscles. The ulnar nerve supplies the ulnar flexor and deep digital flexor muscles. [[Forelimb - Anatomy & Physiology#Muscles of the Carpal and Digital Joints|WikiVet Article: Distal limb ]]"
feedback5="'''Incorrect.''' The ulnar nerve supplies the ulnar flexor and deep digital flexor muscles and is correct. However the radial nerve nerve has a craniolateral position and innervates the triceps, radial carpal extensor, lateral ulnar, supinator and common and lateral digital extensor muscles and is '''Incorrect.''' The other correct nerve is the median nerve which innervates the radial carpal flexor, superficial digital flexor, deep digital flexors and pronator muscles."
feedback1="'''Incorrect.''' The radial nerve nerve has a craniolateral position and innervates the triceps, radial carpal extensor, lateral ulnar, supinator and common and lateral digital extensor muscles and is '''Incorrect.''' The axillary nerve innervates the deltoid, major and minor teres and subscapular muscles. The correct answer is the median nerve which innervates the radial carpal flexor, superficial digital flexor, deep digital flexors and pronator muscles and the ulnar nerve which supplies the ulnar flexor and deep digital flexor muscles. [[Forelimb - Anatomy & Physiology#Muscles of the Carpal and Digital Joints|WikiVet Article: Distal limb ]]"
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question="Physical regulation of appetite occurs via stretch receptors in the stomach wall. Information from these receptors travels to the brain via which nerve?"
choice3="Vagus nerve"
choice4="Axillary nerve"
choice1="Abducens nerve"
choice2="Ilioinguinal nerve"
choice5="Phrenic nerve"
feedback3="'''Correct!''' The vagus nerve (cranial nerve X) has the most widespread distribution of any cranial nerve and carries parasympathetic fibres innervating many of the cervical, thoracic and abdominal viscera. [[Monogastric Stomach - Anatomy & Physiology#Innervation|WikiVet Article: forestomach innervation]]."
feedback4="'''Incorrect.''' The axillary nerve supplies the shoulder flexors, distal brachiocephalicus muscle and skin over the cranial aspect of the arm and forearm. The vagus nerve transmits information from stretch receptors in the stomach wall. [[Monogastric Stomach - Anatomy & Physiology#Innervation|WikiVet Article: forestomach innervation]]."
feedback1="'''Incorrect.''' The abducens nerve (cranial nerve VI) supplies some of the muscles of the eye ball (lateral rectus and retractor bulbi). The vagus nerve transmits information from stretch receptors in the stomach wall. [[Monogastric Stomach - Anatomy & Physiology#Innervation|WikiVet Article: forestomach innervation]]."
feedback2="'''Incorrect.''' The ilioinguinal nerve supplies the abdominal body wall in the region of the flank. The vagus nerve transmits information from stretch receptors in the stomach wall. [[Monogastric Stomach - Anatomy & Physiology#Innervation|WikiVet Article: forestomach innervation]]."
feedback5="'''Incorrect.''' The phrenic nerve supplies the diaphragm with both afferent and efferent fibres. The vagus nerve transmits information from stretch receptors in the stomach wall. [[Monogastric Stomach - Anatomy & Physiology#Innervation|WikiVet Article: forestomach innervation]]."
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question="Where is the micturition centre located?"
choice5="Medulla oblongata"
choice1="Cerebral cortex"
feedback2="'''Correct!''' The micturition centre is located in the pons. It responds to sensory information from bladder stretch receptors by co-ordinating relaxation of the urethralis muscle along with detrusor contraction to produce emptying of the bladder. [[Micturition - Anatomy & Physiology|WikiVet Article: pons]]."
feedback5="'''Incorrect.''' The micturition centre is located in the pons. It responds to sensory information from bladder stretch receptors by co-ordinating relaxation of the urethralis muscle along with detrusor contraction to produce emptying of the bladder. [[Micturition - Anatomy & Physiology|WikiVet Article: pons]]."
feedback1="'''Incorrect.''' The micturition centre is located in the pons. It responds to sensory information from bladder stretch receptors by co-ordinating relaxation of the urethralis muscle along with detrusor contraction to produce emptying of the bladder. [[Micturition - Anatomy & Physiology|WikiVet Article: pons]]."
feedback3="'''Incorrect.''' The micturition centre is located in the pons. It responds to sensory information from bladder stretch receptors by co-ordinating relaxation of the urethralis muscle along with detrusor contraction to produce emptying of the bladder. [[Micturition - Anatomy & Physiology|WikiVet Article: pons]]."
feedback4="'''Incorrect.''' The micturition centre is located in the pons. It responds to sensory information from bladder stretch receptors by co-ordinating relaxation of the urethralis muscle along with detrusor contraction to produce emptying of the bladder. [[Micturition - Anatomy & Physiology|WikiVet Article: pons]]."
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question="Which nerve innervates the triceps brachii muscle?"
choice4="Radial nerve"
choice2="Musculocutaneous nerve"
choice5="Median nerve"
choice3="Ulnar nerve"
choice1="Axillary nerve"
feedback4="'''Correct!''' The radial nerve innervates the extensors of the elbow i.e. the triceps brachii muscle and the tensor fasciae brachiae. It also innervates the extensors of the carpus and digits and the supinator. [[Canine Forelimb - Anatomy & Physiology#Muscles of the Elbow|WikiVet Article: canine forelimb]]."
feedback2="'''Incorrect.''' The musculocutaneous nerve innervates the flexors of the elbow. The radial nerve innervates the extensors of the elbow i.e. the triceps brachii muscle and the tensor fasciae brachiae. It also innervates the extensors of the carpus and digits and the supinators. [[Canine Forelimb - Anatomy & Physiology#Muscles of the Elbow|WikiVet Article: canine forelimb]]."
feedback5="'''Incorrect.''' The median nerve innervates the flexors of the carpus and digits and the pronators. The radial nerve innervates the extensors of the elbow i.e. the triceps brachii muscle and the tensor fasciae brachiae. It also innervates the extensors of the carpus and digits and the supinators. [[Canine Forelimb - Anatomy & Physiology#Muscles of the Elbow|WikiVet Article: canine forelimb]]."
feedback3="'''Incorrect.''' The ulnar nerve innervates the flexors of the carpus and digits along with the median nerve. The radial nerve innervates the extensors of the elbow i.e. the triceps brachii muscle and the tensor fasciae brachiae. It also innervates the extensors of the carpus and digits and the supinators. [[Canine Forelimb - Anatomy & Physiology#Muscles of the Elbow|WikiVet Article: canine forelimb]]."
feedback1="'''Incorrect.''' The axillary nerve innervates the flexors of the shoulder. The radial nerve innervates the extensors of the elbow i.e. the triceps brachii muscle and the tensor fasciae brachiae. It also innervates the extensors of the carpus and digits and the supinators. [[Canine Forelimb - Anatomy & Physiology#Muscles of the Elbow|WikiVet Article: canine forelimb]]."
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question="Which nerve innervates the quadriceps?"
choice1="Femoral nerve"
choice3="Sciatic nerve"
choice5="Tibial nerve"
choice2="Peroneal nerve"
choice4="Obturator nerve"
feedback1="'''Correct!''' The femoral nerve arises form the lumbosacral plexus and it innervates the quadriceps and iliopsoas muscle. [[Hindlimb - Anatomy & Physiology#Innervation of the Hindlimb|WikiVet Article: hindlimb]]."
feedback3="'''Incorrect.''' The sciatic nerve innervates the biceps femoris, semintendinosus and semimembranosus muscles. The femoral nerve arises form the lumbosacral plexus and it innervates the quadriceps and iliopsoas muscle. [[Hindlimb - Anatomy & Physiology#Innervation of the Hindlimb|WikiVet Article: hindlimb]]."
feedback5="'''Incorrect.''' The tibial nerve is a branch of the sciatic nerve and it innervates the extensors of the hock, flexors of the digits, and the popliteal muscle. The femoral nerve arises form the lumbosacral plexus and it innervates the quadriceps and iliopsoas muscle. [[Hindlimb - Anatomy & Physiology#Innervation of the Hindlimb|WikiVet Article: hindlimb. ]]"
feedback2="'''Incorrect.''' The peroneal nerve is a branch of the sciatic nerve and it innervates the flexors of the hock and the extensors of the digits. The femoral nerve arises form the lumbosacral plexus and it innervates the quadriceps and iliopsoas muscle. [[Hindlimb - Anatomy & Physiology#Innervation of the Hindlimb |WikiVet Article: hindlimb. ]]"
feedback4="'''Incorrect.''' The obturator muscles innervates the adductor muscles; external obturator, adductor and gracilis muscles. The femoral nerve arises form the lumbosacral plexus and it innervates the quadriceps and iliopsoas muscle. [[Hindlimb - Anatomy & Physiology#Innervation of the Hindlimb|WikiVet Article: hindlimb]]."
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question="Which nerve innervates the semimembranosus muscle?"
choice4="Sciatic nerve"
choice5="Femoral nerve"
choice3="Gluteal nerve"
choice1="Peroneal nerve"
choice2="Obturator nerve"
feedback4="'''Correct!''' The sciatic nerve innervates the biceps femoris, semintendinosus and semimembranosus muscles. [[Hindlimb - Anatomy & Physiology#Innervation of the Hindlimb|WikiVet Article: hindlimb]]."
feedback5="'''Incorrect.''' The femoral nerve innervates the quadriceps and iliopsoas muscle. The sciatic nerve innervates the biceps femoris, semintendinosus and semimembranosus muscles. [[Hindlimb - Anatomy & Physiology#Innervation of the Hindlimb|WikiVet Article: hindlimb]]."
feedback3="'''Incorrect.''' The gluteal nerve innervates the gluteal muscles, tensor fascia lata, biceps femoris and semitendinosus muscles. The sciatic nerve innervates the biceps femoris, semintendinosus and semimembranosus muscles. [[Hindlimb - Anatomy & Physiology#Innervation of the Hindlimb|WikiVet Article: hindlimb]]."
feedback1="'''Incorrect.''' The peroneal nerve is a branch of the sciatic nerve and it innervates the flexors of the hock and the extensors of the digits. The sciatic nerve innervates the biceps femoris, semintendinosus and semimembranosus muscles. [[Hindlimb - Anatomy & Physiology#Innervation of the Hindlimb |WikiVet Article: hindlimb]]."
feedback2="'''Incorrect.''' The obturator muscles innervates the adductor muscles; external obturator, adductor and gracilis muscles. The sciatic nerve innervates the biceps femoris, semintendinosus and semimembranosus muscles. [[Hindlimb - Anatomy & Physiology#Innervation of the Hindlimb|WikiVet Article: hindlimb]]."
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question="Which nerve innervates the biceps brachii muscle?"
choice4="Musculocutaneous nerve"
choice2="Radial nerve"
choice3="Median nerve"
choice5="Axillary nerve"
choice1="Ulnar nerve"
feedback4="'''Correct!''' The musculocutaneous nerve, from the brachial pelxus, innervates the flexors of the elbow i.e. the biceps brachii and brachialis muscles. [[Canine Forelimb - Anatomy & Physiology#Muscles of the Elbow |WikiVet Article: canine forelimb. ]]"
feedback2="'''Incorrect.''' The radial nerve innervates the extensors of the elbow, carpus and digits and the supinators. The musculocutaneous nerve, from the brachial pelxus, innervates the flexors of the elbow i.e. the biceps brachii and brachialis muscles. [[Canine Forelimb - Anatomy & Physiology#Muscles of the Elbow|WikiVet Article: canine forelimb. ]]"
feedback3="'''Incorrect.''' The median nerve innervates the flexors of the carpus and digits and the pronators. The musculocutaneous nerve, from the brachial pelxus, innervates the flexors of the elbow i.e. the biceps brachii and brachialis muscles. [[Canine Forelimb - Anatomy & Physiology#Muscles of the Elbow|WikiVet Article: canine forelimb. ]]"
feedback5="'''Incorrect.''' The axillary nerve innervates the flexors of the shoulder. The musculocutaneous nerve, from the brachial pelxus, innervates the flexors of the elbow i.e. the biceps brachii and brachialis muscles. [[Canine Forelimb - Anatomy & Physiology#Muscles of the Elbow|WikiVet Article: canine forelimb. ]]"
feedback1="'''Incorrect.''' The ulnar nerve innervates the flexors of the carpus and digits along with the median nerve. The musculocutaneous nerve, from the brachial pelxus, innervates the flexors of the elbow i.e. the biceps brachii and brachialis muscles. [[Canine Forelimb - Anatomy & Physiology#Muscles of the Elbow|WikiVet Article: canine forelimb. ]]"
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question="Which nerve innervates the extensor muscles of the carpal and digital joints?"
choice1="Radial nerve"
choice2="Axillary nerve"
choice3="Median nerve"
choice4="Ulnar nerve"
choice5="Cutaneous antebrachial nerve"
feedback1="'''Correct!''' The radial nerve has a craniolateral position and innervates the triceps, radial carpal extensor, lateral ulnar, supinator and common and lateral digital extensor muscles. [[Forelimb - Anatomy & Physiology#Muscles of the Carpal and Digital Joints|WikiVet Article: Distal limb ]]"
feedback2="'''Incorrect.''' The axillary nerve innervates the deltoid, major and minor teres and subscapular muscles. The radial nerve has a craniolateral position and innervates the triceps, radial carpal extensor, lateral ulnar, supinator and common and lateral digital extensor muscles. [[Forelimb - Anatomy & Physiology#Muscles of the Carpal and Digital Joints|WikiVet Article: Distal limb ]]"
feedback3="'''Incorrect.''' The median nerve innervates the radial carpal flexor, superficial digital flexor, deep digital flexors and pronator muscles. The radial nerve has a craniolateral position and innervates the triceps, radial carpal extensor, lateral ulnar, supinator and common and lateral digital extensor muscles. [[Forelimb - Anatomy & Physiology#Muscles of the Carpal and Digital Joints|WikiVet Article: Distal limb ]]"
feedback4="'''Incorrect.''' The ulnar nerve innervates the ulnar flexor and deep digital flexor muscles. The radial nerve has a craniolateral position and innervates the triceps, radial carpal extensor, lateral ulnar, supinator and common and lateral digital extensor muscles. [[Forelimb - Anatomy & Physiology#Muscles of the Carpal and Digital Joints|WikiVet Article: Distal limb ]]"
feedback5="'''Incorrect.''' The cutaneous antebrachial nerve has three branches, the caudal, medial and cranial. The cutaneous antebrachial nerve provides sensory innervation to the distal forelimb. The radial nerve has a craniolateral position and innervates the triceps, radial carpal extensor, lateral ulnar, supinator and common and lateral digital extensor muscles. [[Forelimb - Anatomy & Physiology#Muscles of the Carpal and Digital Joints|WikiVet Article: Distal limb ]]"
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[[Category:Nervous System Anatomy & Physiology Quizzes]]

Latest revision as of 11:13, 26 June 2011

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Questions reviewed by: Mr David Kilroy MVB CVMA MRCVS
David Bainbridge VetMB MA PhD MRCVS


What does the diencephalon consist of?

Please select an option Incorrect. The mesencephalon consists of the midbrain. The diencephalon consists of the thalamus and hypothalamus. WikiVet Article: Neurology glossary Incorrect. The myelencephalon consists of the medulla. The diencephalon consists of the thalamus and hypothalamus. WikiVet Article: Neurology glossary Incorrect. The telencephalon consists of the cerebral hemispheres. The diencephalon consists of the thalamus and hypothalamus. WikiVet Article: Neurology glossary Incorrect. The metencephalon consists of the cerebellum and pons. The diencephalon consists of the thalamus and hypothalamus. WikiVet Article: Neurology glossary Correct! The diencephalon consists of the thalamus and hypothalamus. WikiVet Article: Neurology glossary

Reveal Feedback


Which nerves innervate the flexor muscles of the carpal and digital joints?

Please select an option Incorrect. The radial nerve nerve has a craniolateral position and innervates the triceps, radial carpal extensor, lateral ulnar, supinator and common and lateral digital extensor muscles and is Incorrect. The axillary nerve innervates the deltoid, major and minor teres and subscapular muscles. The correct answer is the median nerve which innervates the radial carpal flexor, superficial digital flexor, deep digital flexors and pronator muscles and the ulnar nerve which supplies the ulnar flexor and deep digital flexor muscles. WikiVet Article: Distal limb Correct. The median nerve innervates the radial carpal flexor, superficial digital flexor, deep digital flexors and pronator muscles. The ulnar nerve supplies the ulnar flexor and deep digital flexor muscles. WikiVet Article: Distal limb Incorrect. The musculocutaneous nerve supplies the biceps muscle and the axillary nerve innervates the deltoid, major and minor teres and subscapular muscles. The median nerve innervates the radial carpal flexor, superficial digital flexor, deep digital flexors and pronator muscles. The ulnar nerve supplies the ulnar flexor and deep digital flexor muscles. WikiVet Article: Distal limb Incorrect. The median nerve innervates the radial carpal flexor, superficial digital flexor, deep digital flexors and pronator muscles and is correct. However, the musculocutaneous nerve supplies the biceps muscle. The other correct nerve is the ulnar nerve which supplies the ulnar flexor and deep digital flexor muscles. WikiVet Article: Distal limb Incorrect. The ulnar nerve supplies the ulnar flexor and deep digital flexor muscles and is correct. However the radial nerve nerve has a craniolateral position and innervates the triceps, radial carpal extensor, lateral ulnar, supinator and common and lateral digital extensor muscles and is Incorrect. The other correct nerve is the median nerve which innervates the radial carpal flexor, superficial digital flexor, deep digital flexors and pronator muscles.

Reveal Feedback


Physical regulation of appetite occurs via stretch receptors in the stomach wall. Information from these receptors travels to the brain via which nerve?

Please select an option Incorrect. The abducens nerve (cranial nerve VI) supplies some of the muscles of the eye ball (lateral rectus and retractor bulbi). The vagus nerve transmits information from stretch receptors in the stomach wall. WikiVet Article: forestomach innervation. Incorrect. The ilioinguinal nerve supplies the abdominal body wall in the region of the flank. The vagus nerve transmits information from stretch receptors in the stomach wall. WikiVet Article: forestomach innervation. Correct! The vagus nerve (cranial nerve X) has the most widespread distribution of any cranial nerve and carries parasympathetic fibres innervating many of the cervical, thoracic and abdominal viscera. WikiVet Article: forestomach innervation. Incorrect. The axillary nerve supplies the shoulder flexors, distal brachiocephalicus muscle and skin over the cranial aspect of the arm and forearm. The vagus nerve transmits information from stretch receptors in the stomach wall. WikiVet Article: forestomach innervation. Incorrect. The phrenic nerve supplies the diaphragm with both afferent and efferent fibres. The vagus nerve transmits information from stretch receptors in the stomach wall. WikiVet Article: forestomach innervation.

Reveal Feedback


Where is the micturition centre located?

Please select an option Incorrect. The micturition centre is located in the pons. It responds to sensory information from bladder stretch receptors by co-ordinating relaxation of the urethralis muscle along with detrusor contraction to produce emptying of the bladder. WikiVet Article: pons. Correct! The micturition centre is located in the pons. It responds to sensory information from bladder stretch receptors by co-ordinating relaxation of the urethralis muscle along with detrusor contraction to produce emptying of the bladder. WikiVet Article: pons. Incorrect. The micturition centre is located in the pons. It responds to sensory information from bladder stretch receptors by co-ordinating relaxation of the urethralis muscle along with detrusor contraction to produce emptying of the bladder. WikiVet Article: pons. Incorrect. The micturition centre is located in the pons. It responds to sensory information from bladder stretch receptors by co-ordinating relaxation of the urethralis muscle along with detrusor contraction to produce emptying of the bladder. WikiVet Article: pons. Incorrect. The micturition centre is located in the pons. It responds to sensory information from bladder stretch receptors by co-ordinating relaxation of the urethralis muscle along with detrusor contraction to produce emptying of the bladder. WikiVet Article: pons.

Reveal Feedback


Which nerve innervates the triceps brachii muscle?

Please select an option Incorrect. The axillary nerve innervates the flexors of the shoulder. The radial nerve innervates the extensors of the elbow i.e. the triceps brachii muscle and the tensor fasciae brachiae. It also innervates the extensors of the carpus and digits and the supinators. WikiVet Article: canine forelimb. Incorrect. The musculocutaneous nerve innervates the flexors of the elbow. The radial nerve innervates the extensors of the elbow i.e. the triceps brachii muscle and the tensor fasciae brachiae. It also innervates the extensors of the carpus and digits and the supinators. WikiVet Article: canine forelimb. Incorrect. The ulnar nerve innervates the flexors of the carpus and digits along with the median nerve. The radial nerve innervates the extensors of the elbow i.e. the triceps brachii muscle and the tensor fasciae brachiae. It also innervates the extensors of the carpus and digits and the supinators. WikiVet Article: canine forelimb. Correct! The radial nerve innervates the extensors of the elbow i.e. the triceps brachii muscle and the tensor fasciae brachiae. It also innervates the extensors of the carpus and digits and the supinator. WikiVet Article: canine forelimb. Incorrect. The median nerve innervates the flexors of the carpus and digits and the pronators. The radial nerve innervates the extensors of the elbow i.e. the triceps brachii muscle and the tensor fasciae brachiae. It also innervates the extensors of the carpus and digits and the supinators. WikiVet Article: canine forelimb.

Reveal Feedback


Which nerve innervates the quadriceps?

Please select an option Correct! The femoral nerve arises form the lumbosacral plexus and it innervates the quadriceps and iliopsoas muscle. WikiVet Article: hindlimb. Incorrect. The peroneal nerve is a branch of the sciatic nerve and it innervates the flexors of the hock and the extensors of the digits. The femoral nerve arises form the lumbosacral plexus and it innervates the quadriceps and iliopsoas muscle. WikiVet Article: hindlimb. Incorrect. The sciatic nerve innervates the biceps femoris, semintendinosus and semimembranosus muscles. The femoral nerve arises form the lumbosacral plexus and it innervates the quadriceps and iliopsoas muscle. WikiVet Article: hindlimb. Incorrect. The obturator muscles innervates the adductor muscles; external obturator, adductor and gracilis muscles. The femoral nerve arises form the lumbosacral plexus and it innervates the quadriceps and iliopsoas muscle. WikiVet Article: hindlimb. Incorrect. The tibial nerve is a branch of the sciatic nerve and it innervates the extensors of the hock, flexors of the digits, and the popliteal muscle. The femoral nerve arises form the lumbosacral plexus and it innervates the quadriceps and iliopsoas muscle. WikiVet Article: hindlimb.

Reveal Feedback


Which nerve innervates the semimembranosus muscle?

Please select an option Incorrect. The peroneal nerve is a branch of the sciatic nerve and it innervates the flexors of the hock and the extensors of the digits. The sciatic nerve innervates the biceps femoris, semintendinosus and semimembranosus muscles. WikiVet Article: hindlimb. Incorrect. The obturator muscles innervates the adductor muscles; external obturator, adductor and gracilis muscles. The sciatic nerve innervates the biceps femoris, semintendinosus and semimembranosus muscles. WikiVet Article: hindlimb. Incorrect. The gluteal nerve innervates the gluteal muscles, tensor fascia lata, biceps femoris and semitendinosus muscles. The sciatic nerve innervates the biceps femoris, semintendinosus and semimembranosus muscles. WikiVet Article: hindlimb. Correct! The sciatic nerve innervates the biceps femoris, semintendinosus and semimembranosus muscles. WikiVet Article: hindlimb. Incorrect. The femoral nerve innervates the quadriceps and iliopsoas muscle. The sciatic nerve innervates the biceps femoris, semintendinosus and semimembranosus muscles. WikiVet Article: hindlimb.

Reveal Feedback


Which nerve innervates the biceps brachii muscle?

Please select an option Incorrect. The ulnar nerve innervates the flexors of the carpus and digits along with the median nerve. The musculocutaneous nerve, from the brachial pelxus, innervates the flexors of the elbow i.e. the biceps brachii and brachialis muscles. WikiVet Article: canine forelimb. Incorrect. The radial nerve innervates the extensors of the elbow, carpus and digits and the supinators. The musculocutaneous nerve, from the brachial pelxus, innervates the flexors of the elbow i.e. the biceps brachii and brachialis muscles. WikiVet Article: canine forelimb. Incorrect. The median nerve innervates the flexors of the carpus and digits and the pronators. The musculocutaneous nerve, from the brachial pelxus, innervates the flexors of the elbow i.e. the biceps brachii and brachialis muscles. WikiVet Article: canine forelimb. Correct! The musculocutaneous nerve, from the brachial pelxus, innervates the flexors of the elbow i.e. the biceps brachii and brachialis muscles. WikiVet Article: canine forelimb. Incorrect. The axillary nerve innervates the flexors of the shoulder. The musculocutaneous nerve, from the brachial pelxus, innervates the flexors of the elbow i.e. the biceps brachii and brachialis muscles. WikiVet Article: canine forelimb.

Reveal Feedback


Which nerve innervates the extensor muscles of the carpal and digital joints?

Please select an option Correct! The radial nerve has a craniolateral position and innervates the triceps, radial carpal extensor, lateral ulnar, supinator and common and lateral digital extensor muscles. WikiVet Article: Distal limb Incorrect. The axillary nerve innervates the deltoid, major and minor teres and subscapular muscles. The radial nerve has a craniolateral position and innervates the triceps, radial carpal extensor, lateral ulnar, supinator and common and lateral digital extensor muscles. WikiVet Article: Distal limb Incorrect. The median nerve innervates the radial carpal flexor, superficial digital flexor, deep digital flexors and pronator muscles. The radial nerve has a craniolateral position and innervates the triceps, radial carpal extensor, lateral ulnar, supinator and common and lateral digital extensor muscles. WikiVet Article: Distal limb Incorrect. The ulnar nerve innervates the ulnar flexor and deep digital flexor muscles. The radial nerve has a craniolateral position and innervates the triceps, radial carpal extensor, lateral ulnar, supinator and common and lateral digital extensor muscles. WikiVet Article: Distal limb Incorrect. The cutaneous antebrachial nerve has three branches, the caudal, medial and cranial. The cutaneous antebrachial nerve provides sensory innervation to the distal forelimb. The radial nerve has a craniolateral position and innervates the triceps, radial carpal extensor, lateral ulnar, supinator and common and lateral digital extensor muscles. WikiVet Article: Distal limb

Reveal Feedback