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The latest schools to create pages and be put on the map are:  
The latest schools to create pages and be put on the map are:  
*[[Hungary - Szent István University, Faculty of Veterinary Science|Szent István University, Faculty of Veterinary Science]] in Hungary
*[[Israel - Koret School of Veterinary Medicine at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem|Koret Vet School]] in Israel,
*[[Israel - Koret School of Veterinary Medicine at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem|Koret Vet School]] in Israel,
*[[Germany - Stiftung Tierârztliche Hochschule Hannover|TiHo Hannover]] in Germany,  
*[[Germany - Stiftung Tierârztliche Hochschule Hannover|TiHo Hannover]] in Germany,  

Revision as of 12:39, 27 July 2011

Welcome to WikiVet,
WikiVet is a collaborative initiative between the UK vet schools and aims to provide a comprehensive on-line veterinary knowledge database authenticated by expert reviewers. To find out what WikiVet is about see here.

WikiVet is aimed at, and access is restricted to: veterinary undergraduate students, qualified veterinarians and veterinary nurses.

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Wiki Anatomy and PhysiologyAntPhys Banner.png
Anatomy and Physiology

Veterinary anatomy, histology and physiology


Veterinary bacteriology, virology and parasitology


Veterinary diseases, treatments and clinical techniques


Veterinary pharmacology and therapeutics


Blood and associated immunological diseases

WikiNormalsWikiNormals Logo.png

Animal breeds and normal reference ranges


Veterinary pathology


Veterinary epidemiology and veterinary public health


WikiVet workshop at University of Nottingham

Nottingham Workshop PosterNottingham Workshop.png

We ran two workshops at the University of Nottingham Veterinary School on 12th and 13th July. They coincided with the 2nd Annual Veterinary Education Symposium.

For more details visit Nottingham Pre-Conference Blog.

We also had a small student focus group session evaluating the resources produced so far via the OVAL Project. To see the outcome of the focus group visit Focus Group Blog.

News Archive
WikiVet Newsletter Archive

Did you know WikiVet contains


Many new resources are being linked into WikiVet. This is an ongoing process, here are some examples!

FlashcardsFlashcards logo.png

We have created some flashcard type questions for you to test your knowledge. Why not trying some out today?

Adaptive Immunity Flashcards

Sheep Medicine Flashcards

If you have some teaching resources like these that you would like to make available via WikiVet, why not contact the WikiVet team? If you have any comments or suggestions, please feel free to email the WikiVet team or you can post a comment on our Facebook page!

Vet Schools Location

Vet SchoolsVetSchools.png

The map on the left shows all veterinary schools that have created a page on WikiVet. You can see the interactive map to find out what the pins represents.

The schools with a dot in their pin have a page that is populated with content. You can see their pages via clicking on the pin and following the link provided or you can see a preview by clicking on the plus sign next to the link.

The schools that have an 'X' in their pin have not populated their page, would you like to create the page about your school? See how to create a school page.

The latest schools to create pages and be put on the map are:

Below is the current list of vet school pages. Click on the plus sign to expand the list.