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<p>The vetschools collaborating on WikiVet have over the years produced a vast collection of online learning resources. Here are a few samples but please let us know if you have online links to veterinary educational content which you think could be useful for the WikiVet.</p>
The vetschools collaborating on WikiVet have over the years produced a vast collection of online learning resources. Here are a few samples but please let us know if you have online links to veterinary educational content which you think could be useful for the WikiVet.

Revision as of 21:57, 10 November 2009

WikiVet Learning EnvironmentELearn Banner.png

The vetschools collaborating on WikiVet have over the years produced a vast collection of online learning resources. Here are a few samples but please let us know if you have online links to veterinary educational content which you think could be useful for the WikiVet.

Computer Aided Learning


