Onchocerca - Cattle

Oncocerca spp.
Class Nematoda
Super-family Filarioidea

Onchocerca gutturosa

Also known as: Onchocera lienalis
Ligamentary onchocercosis


Intermediate hosts: Blackflies

Definitive hosts: Cattle


O. gutturosa are thin, white worms. The females are capable of growing up to 60cm in length. The males are considerably smaller at around 4cm in length.

Life Cycle

Microfilariae are found on the surface of the host. Blackflies feed and ingest the microfilariae. These develop and mature into L3 larvae. The blackflies then feed on another host, which becomes infected.

Onchocerca gibsoni


Intermediate hosts: Midges (Culocoides)

Definitive hosts: Cattle


O. gutturosa are thin, white worms ranging from 2-20cm in length. The microfilariae are around 260μm in length.

Life Cycle

As for Onchocera gutturosa.

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