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Infectious agents and parasitesWikiBugs Banner.png

General Appearance

Strongyloides stercoralis - Courtesy of the Laboratory of Parasitology, University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine
Strongyloides stercoralis - Joaquim Castellà Veterinary Parasitology Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Strongyloides larvae - Joaquim Castellà Veterinary Parasitology Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Strongyloides - Joaquim Castellà Veterinary Parasitology Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
  • Bursate
  • Large buccal capsule
  • Relatively short (typically 1-5cm) but stout
  • Heads often have characteristic features - teeth or cutting plates

General Life-Cycle

  • Like that of the trichostrongyloids (eggs are also 'typical strongyle eggs'), but:
    • L3 → L4 → adult (typically occurs in the large intestine)
    • Larvae penetrate the mucosal wall and elicit nodule formation
    • Larvae of some species migrate around the body
    • Prepatent period varies between species from 3 weeks to over 6 months

Strongylus vulgaris

Peritonitis in sheep by penetration of intestines by larvae of Oesophagostomum columbianum

Strongylus edentatus and Strongylus equinus migrate through Peritoneal Cavity Parasitic - Pathology

Stephanuris dentatus causes peritonitis in pigs Peritoneal Cavity Parasitic - Pathology and may cause cysts in the pancreas

Syngamus laryngeus in larynx of cattle