Artificial Breeding - Donkey

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Oestrus synchronization

Artificial insemination

Embryo transfer

Embryo transfer techniques are similar to those used in the horse. Embryo recovery was low when collection was attempted six to seven days after ovulation (Vendramini et al, 1997). The pregnancy rate following nonsurgical transfer is generally low at 20% and has been attributed to the release of PG F2α and luteolysis following manipulation of the cervix (Panzani et al, 2006).


  • Tibary, A., Sghiri, A. & Bakkoury, M. (2008) Reproduction In Svendsen, E.D., Duncan, J. and Hadrill, D. (2008) The Professional Handbook of the Donkey, 4th edition, Whittet Books, Chapter 17
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  • Tibary, A., Sghiri, A. & Bakkoury, M. (2008) Reproduction In Svendsen, E.D., Duncan, J. and Hadrill, D. (2008) The Professional Handbook of the Donkey, 4th edition, Whittet Books, Chapter 17

  • Blanchard, T.L., Taylor, T.S., and Love, C.L. (1999). ‘Estrous cycle characteristics and response to estrus synchronization in mammoth asses (Equus asinus americanus)’. Theriogenology 52. pp 827-834.
  • Cottorello, A.C.P., Amancio, R.C., Henry, M., and Borges, I. (2002). ‘Effect of storage temperature and extenders on “in vitro” activity of donkey spermatozoa’. Theriogenology 58. pp 325-328.
  • Ferreira, M.F.L., Henry, M. (1992). ‘Effect of cooling rates and seminal extenders on sperm longevity and fertility in donkeys’. 12th ICAR, 1992, The Hague, Netherlands. pp 1406-1408.
  • Glatzel, P., Kadir, E., and Tibary, A. (1981). ‘Pferde- und Eselhenge der marokkanischen Landespferde- un Maultierzucht. Erste Ergebnisse aus dem Einsatz von Flussig- un Gefriersamen fur die Maultierproduktion’. Berl Munch Tierarztl Wochenschr 94. pp 445-448.
  • Mello, S.L.V., Henry, M., Souza, M.A., and Oliveira, S.M.P. (2000). ‘Effect of split ejaculation and seminal extenders on longevity of donkey semen preserved at 5C’. Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinaria E Zootecnia 52. pp 372-378.
  • Nishikawa, Y. (1959). ‘Semen properties and artificial insemination in horses’. Studies on Reproduction in Horses. Kyoto, Japan. p 208.
  • Panzani, D., Rota, A., Vannozzi, I., Kindahl, H., Govoni, N. and Camillo, F. (2006). ‘Cervical catheterization is not responsible for the low pregnancy rate following transcervical embryo transfer in donkeys’. Animal Reproduction Science 94. pp 370-373.
  • Purdy, S.R. (2005b). ‘Ultrasound examination of the female miniature donkey reproductive tract’. in: Veterinary Care of Donkeys. N.S. Matthews and T.S. Taylor (eds). International Veterinary information Service, Ithaca NY (, last updated: 11 May 2005; A2925.0505.
  • Santos, G.F., Henry, M., Sampaio, I.B.M., and Gastal, E.L. (1994). ‘Effect of cooling system and rates on sperm quality of donkey semen preserved at 5ºC ’. Proceedings VIth International Symposium Equine Reproduction. pp 195-196.
  • Serres, C., Rodrigues, A., Alvarez, A.L., Santiago, I., Gabriel, J., Gomez-Cuetara, C., and Mateos, E. (2002). ‘Effect of centrifugation and temperature on the motility and plasma membrane integrity of Zamorano-Leones donkey semen’. Theriogenology 58. pp 329-332.
  • Singhvi, N. (1990). ‘Studies on artificial insemination in equines’. Indian J Anim Reprd. 11. pp 99-104.
  • Tibary, A., Sghiri, A., Bakkoury, M., and Anouassi, A. (2006). ‘Insémination artificielle’. Reproduction Equine Tome III: Biotechnologies Appliquées, A.Tibary and M. Bakkoury (eds). Actes Editions, Morocco, 2006. pp 9-155.
  • Trimeche, A., Renard, P., and Tainturier, D. (1998). ‘A procedure for Poitou jacakass sperm cryopreservation’. Theriogenology 50. pp 793-806.
  • Vendramini, O.M., Bruyas, J.F., Fieni, F., Battut, I., and Tainturier, D. (1997). ‘Embryo transfer in Poitou donkeys, preliminary results’. Theriogenology 47. pp 4-9.
  • Vendramini, O.K., Guintard, C., Moreau, J., and Tainturier, D. (1998). ‘Cervix conformation: a first anatomical approach in Baudet du Poitou jenny asses’. Animal Science 66. pp 741-744.
  • Tibary, A., Sghiri, A. & Bakkoury, M. (2008) Reproduction In Svendsen, E.D., Duncan, J. and Hadrill, D. (2008) The Professional Handbook of the Donkey, 4th edition, Whittet Books, Chapter 17

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