Uncinaria stenocephala

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Hook worm

In the UK, Uncinaria stenocephala is commonly found in greyhounds, hounds, sheepdogs and other country dogs, but is relatively non-pathogenic. It is a plug-feeder, causing a protein-losing enteropathy. Heavy infections leads to intermittent diarrhoea, causing reduced growth-rate.

Key features of hookworms of the dog:

Ancylostoma caninum Uncinaria stenocephala
  • Warm and hot climates

  • Avid blood sucker → anaemia

  • Teeth around mouth

  • Infection mostly percutaneous

  • Causes pedal dermatitis

  • Transmammary infection
  • Cool and cold climates

  • Protein leak → diarrhoea

  • Cutting plates

  • Infection mainly by mouth

  • Causes pedal dermatitis

  • No vertical transmission