Thrush - Hoof

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The condition occurs in stabled horses, on moist or wet bedding. The conformation of some horses feet predisposes them to developing the condition but it can be easily prevented with proper foot care.


Diagnosis is made on clinical signs.

Clinical Signs

  • Foul smelling black discharge associated with the sulci of the frog
  • Deep erosions to the medial and lateral sulci of the frog in sereve cases
  • Increased digital pulses to the feet
  • Lameness in very severe cases



  • Thrush of the hoof:

caused by Fusobacterium necrophorum.

    • Necrosis of horse hoof associated with poor hygiene, wet conditions
    • F. necrophorum secondary to hoof damage causes localised inflammatory response
    • Thrush especially of hind feet, with putrid discharge in sulci
    • Provide dry, clean bedding