Burkholderia mallei

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Burkholderia mallei
Phylum Proteobacteria
Class Beta Proteobacteria
Order Burkholderiales
Family Burkholderiaceae
Genus Burkholderia
Species B.mallei

Also known as: Pseudomonas mallei — B.mallei


Burkholderia mallei is a species of the Burkholderia genus. B.mallei causes glanders, a contagious disease of Equidae resulting in nodules and ulcers in the respiratory tract and on the skin. B.mallei can be transmited by ingestion of food or water contaminated by nasal discharge of infected Equidae and occasionally via inhalation or skin wounds. The presence of B. mallei in the host causes hypersensitivity reactions.


A diagnosis of B.mallei can be made by collecting specimens, including discharges from lesions and blood for serology. The bacteria grows on media containing 1% glycerol. Most strains are non-lactose fermenters on MacConkey agar. Complement fixation and agglutination can be carried out, as can serology.

The Mallein test can be done, where mallein is injected intradermally below the lower eyelid; local swelling and discharge indicates positive reation.

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