Canine Infectious Tracheobronchitis

Canine Infecious tracheobronchitis

Also known as: Kennel Cough
Canine respiratory disease complex


A highly contagious acute respiratory disease involving larngitis, tracheitis and bronchitis. Multiple agents are implicated in the disease includingCanine Adenovirus 2,Canine herpes virusCanine Parainfluenza - 2,Canine Distemper Virus and Bordetella bronchoseptica.



History and Clinical Signs

Laboratory Tests







  • Synonyms: Kennel cough, Infectious tracheobronchitis
  • tracheitis, bronchitis
  • Multiple agents implicated:
  • Symptoms are of a persistent, non-productive cough
  • Persistent tracheobronchial inflammation
  • The outcomes is generally recovery (may persist >3 weeks), but extension to chronic bronchitis or cranioventral bronchopneumonia may occur
  • In severe cases can extend to serous/mucopurulent rhinitis
  • Lesions are neither specific nor always significant (catarrhal / mucopurulent tracheobronchitis)
  • Enlarged tonsils and retropharyngeal lymph nodes
  • B. bronchiseptica acts as a primary pathogen in Infectious canine tracheitis
  • Frequently isolated from dogs with respiratory disease
  • Often found with viruses or mycoplasma
  • Adheres to ciliated epithelial cells in the trachea
  • Colonisation and proliferation in trachea
  • Releases toxins causing epithelial necrosis and prevents ciliary clearance
  • Irritation to tract causes coughing
  • Mortality rates low
  • Peribronchial inflammation and bronchopneumonia

can result in unvaccinated puppies or immunosuppressed dogs

  • Severe pneumonia following secondary infection e.g. with Streptococci
  • Fatal bronchopneumonia if occurs secondary to canine distemper virus
  • Transmission via respiratory secretions by direct contact or aerosol and on fomites
  • Clinical signs:
    • Develop within 3-4 days; persist for up to 2 weeks
    • Coughing
    • Gagging
    • Mild serous oculonasal discharge
  • Treatments includes antibiotics if coughing persists or bronchopneumonia develops
  • Live intranasal vaccines
  • Also found in respiratory tract of cats; can cause pneumonia in kittens; vaccine available