Nick works at the Royal Veterinary College and is one of the founding members of the WikiVet project and is currently overseeing strategic development. He is also involved in working with veterinary schools and other publishers to establish collaborative partnerships.
Nick has a particular interest in making content available as free resources wherever possible. In particular he has been working on new ways to increase access to WikiVet in developing countries.
Asher is our main technical support and is responsible for maintaining the server, extensions, providing templates for the general design and lots of other useful stuff. As he is currently very busy with his finals, Brian is here to give a hand when necessary.
Barbora has started as one of the very first authors of WikiVet and is currently the content editor. She is reorganising the site structure and is trying to achieve some kind of sensible order to it all. She also supervises authors .
Chris is our eNews letter editor and Facebook page manager. He has been working on various eLearning projects since his graduation and is now also going to look into eLearning resources on WikiVet and help with recruiting reviewers.