Neuro Glossary - Pathology

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Term Definition
Encephalo- Of the Brain
Meningo- Of the Meninges
Myelo- Of the Spinal cord
Leuko- Of the white matter
Polio- Of the gray matter
Encephalitis Inflammation of the brain
Meningitis Inflammation of the Meninges
Meningoencephalitis Inflammation of the brain and meninges
Myelitis Inflammation of the Spinal Cord
Ganglioradiculitis Inflammation of cranial and spinal ganglia and roots
Polyradiculoneuritis Inflammation of multiple spinal or cranial nerve roots
Malacia Necrosis
Leukoencephalomalacia Necrosis of the white matter of the brain
Leukomyelomalacia Necrosis of the white matter in the spinal cord
Polioencephalomalacia Necrosis of the gray matter in the brain
Poliomyelomalacia Necrosis of the gray matter in the spinal cord
Astrocytosis Increased numbers of astrocytes (hyperplasia)
Astrogliosis (or gliosis) Increased numbers of glial fibers
Gemistocytes Highly reactive astrocytes with abundant pink cytoplasm and distinct cell borders
Gemistocytic astrocytosis Astrocytic hyperplasia in which gemistocytic forms predominate
Leptomeninges Pia and arachnoid mater together
Pachymeninges Dura mater
Telencephalon Cerebral hemispheres
Diencephalon Thalamus and hypothalamus
Mesencephalon Midbrain
Metencephalon Cerebellum and pons
Myelencephalon Medulla