
  • The inestines occupy the caudal part of the body
  • Contacts the reproductive organs and gizzard
  • The small intestine is long and relatively uniform in shape and size
Anatomy of the Avian Duodenum and Pancreas - RVC 2008
  • The duodenum passes caudally over the gizzard then loops back towards the stomach where it joins the jejunum
    • Arises from the right dorsal aspect of the gizzard
    • Loop lies ventral on the abdominal floor
    • The pancreas lies within the loops
    • 3 pancreatic ducts and one bile duct enter the caudal duodenum at a common papila
  • Jejunum
    • Loose coils around the mesentery
    • Thin walls so content appears green
    • Suspended from the dorsal wall of the abdomen by the mesentery
  • Ileum
    • Begins opposite the apices of the caeca or at the vitelline diverticula
    • Suspended from the dorsal wall of the abdomen by the mesentery
Anatomy of the Avian Colon and Caeca - RVC 2008
  • A short colon
    • The colon lies ventral to the synasacrum and opens into the cloaca
    • Runs ventral to the vertebrae
    • Terminates in the coprodeum
    • Amino acids and glucose can be absorbed
  • 2 caeca from the ileocaecal junction run with the ileum caudally
    • Blind sacs about 16-18cm long
    • Extend towards the liver then fold back on themselves
    • Mesentery runs between the caeca then on towards the ileum
    • Often contain dark coloured material
    • 3 parts of each caeca
    • Bacterial breakdown of cellulose occurs
    • Antiperistaltic movements transport chyme
    • Caeca emptied a few times per day
  • Unlike mammals, there are no lacteals in the epithelium

Vitelline Diverticula

Vitelline Diverticula Anatomy- RVC 2008
  • Small outgrowth on the [Jejunum - Anatomy & Physiology|jejunum]]
  • Former connection will yolk sac
  • Also called Meckel's diverticulum





  • Patches of lymphoid nodules are present in Peyer's Patches
  • No mesenteric lymph nodes


  • Caeca
    • Serous coat has nerve plexuses
    • Columnar epithelium and goblet cells
    • Smooth muscle in folds at base
    • Caecal sphincter at proximal part containing a lot of lymphoid tissue (caecal tonsil)
    • Middle section has thin walls and appears green
    • The bulbous blind ends have thicker walls

Species Differences

  • Duck and goose have several loops of 'U' shaped jejunum
  • Pigeons have a circular mass of jejunum with inner and outer turns
  • Long caeca in turkey and chicken
  • Pigeons and song birds have short caeca
  • Parrots do not have caeca
  • The dorsal and ventral lobes of the pancreas are connected dorsally in poultry
